Tag: besmart

  • Let the Dust Settle …

    Let the Dust Settle …

    If it’s a crisis youre responding to, my best advice would be to let the dust settle, and to allow someone in a leadership position to respond first, to avoid the risk of overreacting, or saying the wrong thing, and then being held to something you felt or understood, which turns out later not not…

  • Still Room for Growth …

    Still Room for Growth …

    Reference: https://www.bloggingfusion.com/mymollydoll/43452/ Learning is a difficult experience for most, and while we may be good at some things, that doesn’t mean that we will be good at all things. There are no exceptions to becoming smart, it requires all of you, your best effort. I just read a comment by thriveglobal.com, who mentions this issue which…