Tag: correspondence

  • Overcoming Mental Illness …

    Overcoming Mental Illness …

    I think the key part of overcoming mental illness is to understand that whats going on inside of you is maybe not happening for most and that’s a good thing, so while its important to forewarn, and keep people updated about your recovery, its also not important to let everyoine know when you are sick…

  • How Controversy Erupts …

    How Controversy Erupts …

    Controversy erupts, whenever anyone feels entitled to knowing something about you, and doesn’t feel like they have been given enough information to make a decision about you, I think I disclose everything about me. Controversy erupts whenever there is an arguments being made about you and when anyone is put in the defensive, that can…

  • Making Things About You …

    Making Things About You …

    Today I attended the #womensmarch in Beverly Hills, it was last minute, I just found out it was today, and read an article that said there was going to be a march from 2-4pm, then after leaving the gym, to pick up Mendocino Farms for my Mom, read the rest of the article, and found…