Tag: death

  • When I Give Up ….

    When I Give Up ….

    I have no explanation or justification for anyone’s displeasure with me. I can accept that all they heard was “don’t contact Todd” without concern for my best interests good will or positive effort to improve get help and offer my insights and updates as to my treatment along the way. No one ever asked for…

  • I’m Not Responsible … (speech) #1

    I’m Not Responsible … (speech) #1

    When 8 million people are lied to and convinced to hate and detest a woman for what they look like, where they have been, and who they are, that’s a hate crime, and I’m not responsible for the emotions that were evoked in those who lost respect for me, thought I looked stupid, were disgusted…

  • Relax and Kickback …

    Relax and Kickback …

    If this were a group assignment, then I would be the editor, like I was in college, or in Law School for that matter “Can I see your contracts outline,” “sure” … big mistake. We are in the 4th month of recovery from the Laguna Woods shooting (May 15, 2022) [1], and the School Shooting in…

  • Some See Life, Some See Death …

    Some See Life, Some See Death …

    One of the scariest facts about life is death, and while you may not encounter the feeling or have been exposed first hand to the experience of dying, Im sure it is something that you have feared before, and especially now with the news of its happening, its not reassuring to hear that there are…

  • Keeping a Level Head on Your Shoulders …

    Keeping a Level Head on Your Shoulders …

    I was told to “always be a lady,” its whats been recommended in a quote by Justice Ginsberg, and I think Im forgetting to represent myself well, in the event I am made upset, hurt feelings, or aggravated, it can bring out the worst in you, more masculine traits. One of the main points of…

  • The Challenge to Blog …

    The Challenge to Blog …

    Creating a safe place is not easy not in private and not in public you’ll reach a point in your recovery when you feel tested usually in transitions or when trying to prove your sanity and stability that’s the problem with disclosing where you have been it’s not believed until it’s seen and so it’s…

  • What Does it Take to Be Yourself …

    What Does it Take to Be Yourself …

    In writing over the course of your struggles in life keep a diary entry of your progress past the point of things going well for you in life until you get well, if you are nice enough to remember recall and describe others that you meet, maybe influential to others moving forward in what is…

  • What Works …

    What Works …

    The same ideas don’t work for everyone, and when it comes to love theres a fine line between being there for other during a time of need, and not becoming reliant on people for mental health needs, which are better for discussion with a therapist, I think my time talking with Todd Spitzer have served…

  • How Controversy Erupts …

    How Controversy Erupts …

    Controversy erupts, whenever anyone feels entitled to knowing something about you, and doesn’t feel like they have been given enough information to make a decision about you, I think I disclose everything about me. Controversy erupts whenever there is an arguments being made about you and when anyone is put in the defensive, that can…

  • Recent News (poem) …

    Recent News (poem) …

    Looking for homes If it were a matter of two Just another ER interview I told myself be impeccable too And upon my return We sat rocks apart and shared Never forget you are one of them too A few came back not even a soldier wept The black box she couldn’t figure out And…