Tag: femininity

  • On a Lighter Note …

    On a Lighter Note …

    I took myself to the hospital and called for help, because I was getting frustrated and sounded like I was giving up in life, and I don’t fully know why I don’t feel good or what is causing that. So this just teaches me that what I have to say is important and what I…

  • How do Angry Voices Talk? …

    How do Angry Voices Talk? …

    Based on my experience, angry voices say things that you don’t say and you can hear them and do not know how they are able to talk to your body. They try to listen to you to see if you talk to yourself, which I don’t, and in the event that I am made to…

  • Creating Peace Amidst Chaos …

    Creating Peace Amidst Chaos …

    How is peace made amidst chaos? Like all dark places in life created by evil and violence, the sky will not be clear, the future will not appear in clear light, and the present will feel awakened to a state of saturation, when one is made to be consumed by what is around them, either…

  • Stronger in Numbers …

    Stronger in Numbers …

    Culturally there will always be differences in opinion when it comes to story, status, what you’re known for, who you know, what you represent, what people think of you, and whether you are someone who can be liked absent background information about you, rumor, disrespect, or bad story and some things are permanent and permeate…

  • Commit to Getting Well …

    Commit to Getting Well …

    You’re not alone in your battle against mental illness, some things are forgiveable, remember your boundaries with others. There’s no need to sacrifice your good graces to confront the demons of others, don’t make another person’s opinion of you your struggle. Find common ground. Don’t be restrained by outside opinions, know your own strength, and…

  • Always Be Ladylike …

    Always Be Ladylike …

    If you want to be protected in this Country, then be a woman who stands for something, not just someone who has influence, or just a future trajectory, what is a woman’s worth? A woman’s worth is based upon what she can provide in terms of stability, love, representation, caretaking skills, and touch, most things…

  • Working Through Racism …

    Working Through Racism …

    I’m not really affected by the trending anti-Semitism, because I choose not to care what is thought about me, because I already know what is thought of me. For example: (1) Is Privileged (2) Entitlement (3) Thinks Highly of Self (4) Inflated Ego (5) Thinks is Pretty (6) Thinks is Intelligent (7) Thinks Can Provide…

  • Not Being Hot …

    Not Being Hot …

    Not being hot is not delusional, theres a perfectly sound explanation for how I got this way and to explain what I went through when trying to assemble a likeable campaign against gun violence which was needed at this time, because everyone was too scared to broach the subject, it shouldn’t take a continued problem…

  • Where the Opportunity Lies …

    Where the Opportunity Lies …

    The opportunity lies in non-judgment. It will always be that way. Whenever there is a new idea or a new way of looking at things, it will never be from the perspective of change that comfort will arrive, nor will a big picture be rendered that helps others to see in the clearest way possible,…

  • Recently Sick with the Stomach Flu …

    Recently Sick with the Stomach Flu …

    A little under the weather not to mention tricky discussions about mental health cures to better coping skills you get better at staying well the more you learn about how to respond to symptoms in a way that’s nothing to do with anyone I’m assuming a defensive stance to mental health is a situation about…