Tag: help

  • What is “mass trauma”? ….

    What is “mass trauma”? ….

    It’s normal to experience stress reactions following any incident of trauma which may continue for a significant period of time. [1] Mass trauma events include “shootings, acts of terrorism, or mass riots.” … “Survivors may have feelings of confusion, fear, and helplessness. Sometimes, those with no personal connections to the event may even be impacted.”…

  • Right Now is About ….

    Right Now is About ….

    Right now is about getting well and staying well. From my shoes things can not be worse than they were going into the hospital that’s how little was on my side at the time of being placed in the ER it seems like the more others are involved in your health and the worse you…

  • One General Deduction in Life …

    One General Deduction in Life …

    Everything either flips when you do, out of control (booted in or booted out from acknowledgement and consideration, that’s your choice to have everyone support you or turn on you by discomforts), Or everything’s well balanced settling (if you mention concerns & write without inducing trauma and reduce conflict by acknowledgement of an unstated grievance…

  • What is Machine Learning?

    What is Machine Learning?

    There is no almanac of exactly everything you should know to make good decisions for yourself in life, that’s part education and experience, and sometimes you have to live life for yourself in order to fully comprehend the meaning of difficulties in life. Based on where you are in life, or who you are in…

  • Poem: “Yellow’s the Name.”

    Poem: “Yellow’s the Name.”

    Yellows the Name In different places, but not far a welcomed ear At last, the wankering sound of voices has stopped The issue collided with the everpresent satisfaction  A job well done indeed as though your soul hires Those who remind you by doubt and question Too close to be considered enemies, maybe just angry…

  • The Answer to Your Problems …

    The Answer to Your Problems …

    The answer to your problems is not always clear it’s through discussion of your issues in therapy or psychiatry that you are able to manage your symptoms better. That doesn’t mean that you still can’t get tripped up or bothered by things including the issues and actions of others. At best make sense if your…

  • Don’t Be Ashamed …

    Don’t Be Ashamed …

    Don’t be ashamed, set boundaries if you need them. We all feel bad when we make others feel bad, mostly we are people pleasers when it comes to blogging or being any kind of public figure, it literally hurts if anyones not happy with you or if you can’t make them happy, you feel powerless,…

  • Where to Start …

    Where to Start …

    It’s not been an easy month, I’m sure not for most of us, so if there’s any way I can better be of service let me know. Usually when I’m not feeling well I distance myself, around right about now I get headaches, so maybe that’s my instincts telling me to write anyways and get…

  • What is Attention For? …

    What is Attention For? …

    What is attention for? Time is valuable, it doesn’t matter if you are 36, 22, 60, or 40, your attention matters, and some things are not worth your time, let alone people. Its what you pay attention to, that affects your working memory, your functioning, your ability to speak, and your ability to think, all…

  • There’s A Saying …

    There’s A Saying …

    Theres a saying, “let go let god,” which is something that I think applies right now, on the brink of feeling hurt you have a choice, what you take in (take to heart), and what you let go (not get under your skin). It can be for many reasons, or a few setbacks, that you…