Tag: imitation

  • How to Build a Sense of Community …

    How to Build a Sense of Community …

    Being online is much different than communications in real life, all require the same standards of organization, and neatness, that’s always the best and most proper way to convey what you’re saying to others. So what does building a sense of community mean. I think when we hear community we think of what types of…

  • Positive Insight …

    Positive Insight …

    Although its gotten to be more competitive as the days go on, one thing is for sure, you are your words, just like reading that quiet space for recognizing and understanding what makes sense or feels good, the same thing goes for all conversations, maybe that’s not your clarity, but it could be the clarity…

  • Its Not the Peoples Right to Punish …

    Its Not the Peoples Right to Punish …

    No one has the right to punish you and cause you sickness, not if you are doing well and about to get a job and have move forward in life, but like all things you are what you allow to enter your life, and that’s how wellness leaves you, to support who is well, and…

  • What Im Not Doing …

    What Im Not Doing …

    By the time I hit my 30s I gradually became more and more aware, of the importance of time, and to make sure to do my best, that doesn’t come easy to most, to get a look down, to repair any moments lost, and to also speak to every moment when they have ever been…

  • Where is Up? …

    Where is Up? …

    Originally Posted 04-20-21 I don’t know if everyone had the opportunity to watch MSNBC today, to hear the verdict and discussions afterward. One of which, our question was answered: What is prevention? We were told today enough is enough. To acknowledge and lift one another. Be well, be accountable, pass laws, and train. We were…