Tag: mentalhealth

  • Being Who You Are …

    Being Who You Are …

    If you can’t stop a problem from becoming an ongoing problem, then dont become the problem that others are having or already have when it comes to accepting you into their life, and not viewing you as a responsible party for whatever it is that they have having difficulty when coming to understand, either form…

  • How to Be a Peace Agency …

    How to Be a Peace Agency …

    If you don’t know your capabilities yet, then always do your best, to conserve your energy for the moments that require you to be smart, which will require you to harp less on the moments when you were not fully completely there, in recognition of your worth, and everything you were capable of, be convinced…

  • Why Respect Matters …

    Why Respect Matters …

    You can only go up once, and if you don’t make it you don’t make it in two weeks, in a month, or in a year, and its not that you have given up, its that others have given up on you, and that’s the cost of being intimate with someone online, that is how…

  • Going Down in Life …

    Going Down in Life …

    They wouldn’t call it recovery if it didn’t mean to take better care of yourself. There is time to heal, but not if you rush the process, and burn out. Know yourself well enough to know when to quit, however in a few rare instances when you cannot stop what you are doing well: In…

  • Today I Got my First COVID-Vaccine …

    Today I Got my First COVID-Vaccine …

    Never get too comfortable, that’s the best way to show respect for others, where no leadership is required, where no attentions are needed, and that’s what makes a long line, seem like a short distance, that’s time moving by quickly, even if it seems like the wait is long, you’d be surprised, that the more…

  • Please Stop …

    Please Stop …

    There isn’t anything more gut wrenching, than when things are going well, to talk about things as though they are not going well, or based on how things were past. It will be a discussion of the past as though it was ever lived not in recognition, of what has gone wrong, treat the present…

  • Personal Update …

    Personal Update …

    Have not been feeling well under the weather, have had two COVID tests. The work I do online is very meaningful to me, its not for political purposes, of for sharing my side, or one side to anything. I think if you are well, you do well in life, if you get sick for any…

  • My Goals in Life …

    My Goals in Life …

    Work from home, unless made to apply for a job to be supported. Blog, but not in a way that subjects me or others to harm, hurt my identity or theirs. Write directly to the courts in the event I am being made to defend self interpret others. Not subject myself to bullying, continue to…

  • Recently I Noticed …

    Recently I Noticed …

    Originally Posted 04-20-21 The past is treacherous, they were not nicknamed the Dinosaurs for no reason, they are so very proud of us, the last thing anyone wants who has lived life is to see anyone caught up in anything stupid, such as myself: modeling. Not my strength, I did audition twice at least to…

  • Staying Positive …

    Staying Positive …

    Often times when things are not going well for you in life, you can wind up tied up in more places, than you find yourself put together, that’s not intimidation, that’s simply either you not being ready to be forthcoming about what you have been through, or its too late to make a big deal…