Tag: photography

  • About Yesterday …

    About Yesterday …

    Yesterday was an emotional day, I think everyone is doing their best to address the situation online through “Missionary” and “Woman King” and “Amsterdam” why that happened to me was not provoked by me, I think when people are close to me if I talk to others then become possessive and take out their anger…

  • We All Have a Dark Side …

    We All Have a Dark Side …

    Ever wonder about that side of you that gets upset, or winds up in pain, feels a splash of jealously every now & then, or defiant to criticism, yeah that side of you that’s tough, that doesn’t put up with moody people, that rolls their eyes in the face of embarrassment, that keeps their chin…

  • Missing Out in Life …

    Missing Out in Life …

    I never considered myself anti-social growing up and not in law school, but to accommodate my then boyfriend, who preferred that I did not hang out with people, trying to convince me that Im better than that, same with medical treatments, told to ignore who is harming me, not make a big deal out of…

  • Personal Update …

    Personal Update …

    For the time being I am discontinuing Instagram, I have done my best to be positive, I think too many negative voices, means to share less online, and work on myself, work toward being able to be social and be in loving relationships, and not get caught up in displays which maybe are not taken…

  • Easy to Work With …

    Easy to Work With …

    The more difficult the problems you have, the more difficult it is to comprehend your disability, or ongoing issues, however relevant, all of that affects the ability of someone in your audience to be able to comprehend in what way you are significant or important with respect to the experiences of others be mentioned or…

  • What Does it Mean to Be a Strong Person …

    What Does it Mean to Be a Strong Person …

    #laxcourthouse (Day 30): I don’t think Im the best on the subject of suicide, but if you ever have a problem please call 911. They’ve never ignored a phone call in my entire life, and there is always someone to respond no matter what mood you are in, most conversations are to analyze what it…

  • Under Stress …

    Under Stress …

    Although I have been active in the community attending events such as concerts and Laker Games, Ive not been myself lately, and while that may have something to do with outside stress Im being faced with, Im sure that it will pass. I think you have to have a positive outlook in life, if you…

  • Finding Your Beautiful Self …

    Finding Your Beautiful Self …

    Growing up I may not have been the prettiest, but that never stopped me from having friends, Ive always made friends easily, it doesn’t matter where I am or who Im with, that’s just my personality easy to talk to, and from whats been mentioned to me recently “not judgmental” Ill have to keep track…

  • Back to Life …

    Back to Life …

    #bloggingtips It takes a lot of courage to blog, and its not an easy profession, I don’t think that any amount of connections, are responsible for giving you confidence in life, I think that its by what you do in life that gives you the confidence that you need to move forward.  Here’s a brief…

  • Recent News (poem) …

    Recent News (poem) …

    Looking for homes If it were a matter of two Just another ER interview I told myself be impeccable too And upon my return We sat rocks apart and shared Never forget you are one of them too A few came back not even a soldier wept The black box she couldn’t figure out And…