Tag: stophate

  • Being Who You Are …

    Being Who You Are …

    If you can’t stop a problem from becoming an ongoing problem, then dont become the problem that others are having or already have when it comes to accepting you into their life, and not viewing you as a responsible party for whatever it is that they have having difficulty when coming to understand, either form…

  • Going Down in Life …

    Going Down in Life …

    They wouldn’t call it recovery if it didn’t mean to take better care of yourself. There is time to heal, but not if you rush the process, and burn out. Know yourself well enough to know when to quit, however in a few rare instances when you cannot stop what you are doing well: In…

  • Today I Got my First COVID-Vaccine …

    Today I Got my First COVID-Vaccine …

    Never get too comfortable, that’s the best way to show respect for others, where no leadership is required, where no attentions are needed, and that’s what makes a long line, seem like a short distance, that’s time moving by quickly, even if it seems like the wait is long, you’d be surprised, that the more…

  • My Goals in Life …

    My Goals in Life …

    Work from home, unless made to apply for a job to be supported. Blog, but not in a way that subjects me or others to harm, hurt my identity or theirs. Write directly to the courts in the event I am being made to defend self interpret others. Not subject myself to bullying, continue to…

  • Dont Let Anyone Bother You …

    Dont Let Anyone Bother You …

    Most of life is a cat and mouse game, of attentions anyways, so just be mindful, every moment counts, and feelings matter also. I think that’s the name of the game, who is being tended to, who is in need of attention, and what attention is about, its mostly people who think that they deserve…