Tag: stopsuicide

  • Going to Treatment Tomorrow …

    Going to Treatment Tomorrow …

    Its clear that whatever Im battling in life, Im losing, and since I cannot fix what is wrong, or say anything to get out of a condition in which I don’t feel well, to avoid anyone making an example of me, as someone who speaks and is not well, am going to treatment tomorrow, to…

  • How to Be a Peace Agency …

    How to Be a Peace Agency …

    If you don’t know your capabilities yet, then always do your best, to conserve your energy for the moments that require you to be smart, which will require you to harp less on the moments when you were not fully completely there, in recognition of your worth, and everything you were capable of, be convinced…

  • Since Pen Paling, What Matters …

    Since Pen Paling, What Matters …

    If you have some understanding of history, you are aware of the many cases in which people are convinced of things that later take their lives. Either resulting from being spiritually connected to a person who appears to be all knowing, who actually sees you as stupid, and themselves as smart, I think if you…

  • Today I Got my First COVID-Vaccine …

    Today I Got my First COVID-Vaccine …

    Never get too comfortable, that’s the best way to show respect for others, where no leadership is required, where no attentions are needed, and that’s what makes a long line, seem like a short distance, that’s time moving by quickly, even if it seems like the wait is long, you’d be surprised, that the more…

  • Recently I Noticed …

    Recently I Noticed …

    Originally Posted 04-20-21 The past is treacherous, they were not nicknamed the Dinosaurs for no reason, they are so very proud of us, the last thing anyone wants who has lived life is to see anyone caught up in anything stupid, such as myself: modeling. Not my strength, I did audition twice at least to…

  • The First Time Around …

    The First Time Around …

    The first time you pick up on how things are made, it can seem like an addictive process of figuring out where you stand in terms of the issues, fickle, and withdrawn. That’s normal. Here are some helpful tips in how to view life and all the changes made thus far: Do you participate, like,…

  • Sticking Behind Decisions …

    Sticking Behind Decisions …

    Nothing in its infantile stages of development, is a comfortable outing of interests, and you will not know or understand how fragile the times are until all is spent, and that’s not the way to encourage, or to make others feel whole, as though their best efforts have gone unnoticed, or have been done so…

  • Life Philosophy …

    Life Philosophy …

    My road to recovery from mental health issues include the following: Writing everyday, whether that be taking notes by spiral notebook, or computer/phone. In the event of a mental health crisis, call my psychiatrist, 911, or go to the hospital. What is not included online, may not be everything, there are some things you keep…

  • When Life Becomes a Movie …

    Theres nothing to be alarmed about thinking for yourself, that’s not selfish, nor is taking care of your own health, managing yourself in life in terms of setting goals, and sticking to what is working for you, and if all of that fails to make you a better person, don’t give up. We all have…

  • Recent Likes on Blogpros + Letter to Audience …

    Recent Likes on Blogpros + Letter to Audience …

    Likes on lesliefischman.wpcomstaging.com: 04-13-21 Phases on Blogging: 259 04-13-21 Recently I Noticed: 1551 04-13-21 How to Be Brave: 1565  04-12-21 Whats Related?: 1755 04-12-21 Facing Your Fears: 1850 04-12-21 Losing Interest: 1722 04-11-21 Don’t Let Anyone Bother You: 1907 04-11-21 Pushing for Conspiracy: 1788 04-11-21 How to do What is Right: 1816 04-10-21 Went for…