Tag: trust

  • Right Now is About ….

    Right Now is About ….

    Right now is about getting well and staying well. From my shoes things can not be worse than they were going into the hospital that’s how little was on my side at the time of being placed in the ER it seems like the more others are involved in your health and the worse you…

  • When Things Aren’t Good Enough …

    When Things Aren’t Good Enough …

    For example: My Campaign: “mymollydoll” on mymollydoll.com lesliefischman.com and #tags. Whenever you create an idea in your mind, it’s to make things work in your mind, and sometimes our ideas bring us closer to our goals, and sometimes we have to make amendments to the rules or ideas we set for ourselves moving forward. Anytime…

  • Recovering from Suicide …

    Recovering from Suicide …

    No one will understand your problems in life, until you have them, and have to talk about your problems in life, and sometimes you don’t have problems yet, and get sick, it happens to the best of us, why people get sober, stay home, work on themselves, and try to stay focused on their health.…

  • An Intimate Rapport …

    An Intimate Rapport …

    An intimate rapport is built in a trusted space, and when trust cannot be relied upon, that affects the things that you are able to talk about and the tone, hence the difference between mymollydoll.com and lesliefischman.wpcomstaging.com. When your defenses are up, you might not be the same warm and friendly person you were when…

  • When Love Happens …

    When Love Happens …

    There are always periods in time when you are free to talk to others, mostly when they approach you, and sometimes there is chemistry, sometimes there is a bond, and sometimes you are helped, I think there is something to learn from every person you meet in life, and its not about how many people…

  • Keep Busy …

    Keep Busy …

    If you’re not a blogger then most of what you do occurs in the privacy of your own computer or phone that you don’t have to worry about anyone critiquing how you keep your life organized. I think if you are someone who works in public it can be a completely different ball game, with…

  • What you represent …

    What you represent …

    There are general markings of approved for speech … let alone encourage during any difficult point in time when you either lose interest in a speaker or think less of them, and I wouldn’t be able to tell you when and if that occurs and why, especially not by any diagnosis let any voices be…

  • Being Exposed …

    Being Exposed …

    You won’t understand anothers capability in hurting you until it happens it’s nothing that you expect to happen to you for any reason. Don’t wait until after the fact to stand up for yourself and say you know what you’re important but I’m important too. Everyone’s feelings get hurt when you stop doing well for…

  • Letter of Apology to Audience for Lost Composure …

    Letter of Apology to Audience for Lost Composure …

    Recently going through a lot and have not been myself whether obvious or not, or for what reasons does not matter at this point, when all of the above can be assumed, its better to leave people with their own thoughts and opinions on the issues, without integrating your personal life dilemmas, and confrontations in…

  • It All Adds Up …

    It All Adds Up …

    #laxcourthouse (Day 16) Missed one day … Everyones mind works differently, and if you are someone successful, then Im sure that you know how your minds works, we all get imprinted with different sub-sections of information, told to use, read from us, and read from communications, sided with in favor of us, or to disfavor…