Tag: unknown

  • What Does it Mean to Help Others …

    What Does it Mean to Help Others …

    In the brutal era of mental health issues, whats more important is your own health, maybe not necessarily your reputation. It seems to be the case of negative spotlights, not bringing anyone down in life or into a problem that is not their own, so while you may be able to advocate for others, that…

  • Recently I Noticed …

    Recently I Noticed …

    Originally Posted 04-20-21 The past is treacherous, they were not nicknamed the Dinosaurs for no reason, they are so very proud of us, the last thing anyone wants who has lived life is to see anyone caught up in anything stupid, such as myself: modeling. Not my strength, I did audition twice at least to…

  • Where is Up? …

    Where is Up? …

    Originally Posted 04-20-21 I don’t know if everyone had the opportunity to watch MSNBC today, to hear the verdict and discussions afterward. One of which, our question was answered: What is prevention? We were told today enough is enough. To acknowledge and lift one another. Be well, be accountable, pass laws, and train. We were…