Tag: work ethic

  • Personal Update: New Goals New Me

    Personal Update: New Goals New Me

    A lot of good things have been happening for me lately, despite a recent incident of self-harm, I don’t know how that occurred, was probably getting voices and my feelings were hurt. That’s usually how it happens. But for the most part, I’ve been positive.  Here’s what is going well for me: Here’s what is…

  • Goal Setting & Fixing Your Life …

    Goal Setting & Fixing Your Life …

    By the time you’ve made it through your darkest hour and light is beginning to shine back into your life don’t get ahead of yourself by putting too much pressure on yourself or others, the expectation of you is high however your expectations of others should not enter your mind, who you need to focus…

  • Thinking & Doing …

    Thinking & Doing …

    Thinking and doing are two completely different concepts. According to “We have a ‘thinking’ system and a ‘doing’ system – and we’re generally only capable of using one at a time.” [1] How many times have you thought to yourself, you’d rather be somewhere else, or be somewhere other than you are in life, Im…