Tag: working

  • A Difficult Time …

    A Difficult Time …

    I think everyone’s going through a difficult time from what I’ve heard regarding people I know from my life or who know people I know and I’m sure it’s not just my social circles in life who feel the pressure and I’ve tried to understand it myself. So the main point of sharing my story…

  • Stay Steady …

    Stay Steady …

    It’s not inevitable that your crack or break from time to time but it happens to the best of us. I was once told “you only get a certain amount of energy points each day,” in therapy and that statement really stuck out to me. What is burn out? According to one article it’s defined…

  • Being Exposed …

    Being Exposed …

    When I first started blogging I was really positive I was looking forward to learning more about how to distribute, use hashtags, join groups, and meet other bloggers in the community. And the harder I tried to be that cookie cutter blogger, with perfect posts, the bigger trouble I seemed to get in in my…

  • The People in Your Life …

    The People in Your Life …

    If you haven’t heard this yet, everyone loves you, you just need to love yourself. Set goals for yourself in life that will bring you closer to getting what you want in life: job, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, and until then please don’t be so hard on yourself, we have all been there in life, alone, most…

  • What Makes You Desirable …

    What Makes You Desirable …

    If it wont matter in four years, then maybe its not something you need to worry too much about. Driving down my street today I thought I saw Bruce Willis. Checking on all the action huh? My life does feel like an action movie, most of the time, unless Im not feeling well, underperforming, or not…