What Makes a Hero? …

The most recent reference to Superman was made by the widow to a beloved performer and co-host of a popular talk show brought into controversy on the basis of “harassment” therefore in what way did watching that interview enlighten me as to that person’s outlook and personality, that they embraced diversity with pride, have had meaningful experiences in life in love and career to fall in love and create a family and a life with someone they love. Since described as a hero, this is relevant as to me why did I @ mention Ellen Degeneres who blocked me, and what did I learn what is the proper way to address a loss or news story that has your attention, what is the best way to help without making things worse for someone already going through a lot, who should not suffer in addition to lawsuit, and in light of the passing of another famous Gay actress once connected, who died driving drunk and crashed into a house, which was shocking, to witness and not anything that we would ever want to see exhibited by any high profile celebrity or anyone of “gay heritage or standing” ultimately what compels you to help those who are affected, if you can obviously tell that a person is in pain from losses, and should not suffer blames for losses, how would you as a person a non celebrity be able to help a celebrity of an established status of gay accepted and adjusted to her role in life, in what way would I be able to help someone who has blocked me, would be to not explain why I care everyone should care, and also not be afraid to share that I care and on what basis should I be affected, (1) “the Superman” title, we are in a period of heroism and crisis, in which people are being strong not just for themselves but for others, therefore anyone who believes in the power to help others is a hero if they believe in that human ability to protect and save lives, demonstrate how a person of faith and positive personality, should not have been hurt by who is co-host is and who sued her, let that not be a compounding issue, but to introduce “flyers” as a grassroots effort to ask for support locally in a beautiful way, printed and made flyers, however brief my effort as a website was, it was I wanted to help, I believed that music is a great way to support others, a collector of music over the years, so what comes to mind is anything that you don’t feel a conflict with, if there was a conflict or anything that came to mind that could scare me, clearly I would not have created flyers and posted them on every pole parking and taping that took many hours and challenging to make the effort, that’s a positive way of helping others, when you have an idea to help others, that makes those who drive by feel apart of, something doable can be done, and on the basis of not losing strength and running everyday and nothing bad happened to me, means that to pitch an idea 2015 by flyers and have a meeting with Brady, means that alone you will feel like you have to get everyone to care and not make it challenging to care, that’s something people enjoy witnessing, that’s not a secret or mean anything was done nervous or in anger or upset, usually when you want to help everyone, you make the effort to talk about how to help, its rarely anything that anyone tells you or talks to you about, why you have ability and what you should do with your wellness, and who to help and why, one lesson in a purpose approved not punished for, was not offensive, however, on the basis of tweeting and my experience in recovery from dating and working and on meds, I don’t think life was ever about anyone looking at me like something is wrong, I always seemed to be someone that people asked questions, nice to, therefore if you worked somewhere for a year, its better that people don’t misinterpret your humor as offensive, bold ways to care, are to not be disappointing or have stupid reactions in life or get sick or be made jealous, if you have a nice car, you will always appear that way, expected to be nice to others, theres something about an independent woman who no one is worried about, is an unclear subject in life, who gives who a hard time and why, ultimately either you know what its about or you don’t, so don’t question it, so long as you live life being treated as disappointing just don’t turn in to the person who ever acts like theyre above others or have been offended, at this point no one is that selfish or not hardworking to be declared the problem, so that’s a lesson on not feeling well, its clear that when you don’t feel well, people will be hard on you, and mad at you, and no one will tell you why, later in life the goal is to come to recognize the value of staying well, and maintaining friendships, and what cool jobs are about, and know why you are well went to law school and work so hard, no one is bothered by you doing well, its when you don’t feel well, that’s nothing anyone can help you with, just a sign that something is wrong either you can identify or others can and that’s how people get let go, life is about wellness, this is why not to have any visible sickness, no one can explain to you, why you are feeling sick, and no one can explain to you whats causing you to sound stupid, so let that be a lesson on sharing, and how you can be hurt in the process of trying to make a good impression, cut respects short for yourself in life, anything stupid by looks cant communicate whats of value about you and that’s the lesson, to identify whats wrong, figure out whats wrong with you, without letting everyone into your life, stealing your cameras, and computer, its in the moments that you are at peace and don’t feel like you are being watched, is when you get hurt, so that’s the lesson in appearing well, if you experience stupidity many times in life and don’t know why don’t let that be a pattern, only you know your life, its as special as long as you love your life and see the beauty in your life, don’t worry about what you look like, everyone else’s upsets in life, can be cured, but not if you get sick, that’s the difference between people who forgive you not mad at you, versus people who have lives that cant afford to explain to you how life should be, its just no one expects you, to fall off center. Theres no period in life where so much has happened, that any state of stupidity or disability should notify you or anyone that you are out of touch or gone, I think gone is a term that’s only highlighted on the basis of a book title, you know I wouldn’t be a writer if I didn’t value writing as a profession, life doesn’t work that way, you cant take a look around and do better, you are either doing your best just as you are, and accept life as it is happening, but the lesson is that its not your job or choice for how anything looks in life, and its not your job or choice, for what anything means in life, simple ways to appreciate your surroundings, and not seem like anyone new to the world or gone, your stability is what you have to offer in life, so that’s the lesson on disability there will always be something stupid about you, or missed effort, if someone better comes along, that’s not your job in life to gauge who is ready to work and why, and don’t let yourself take that personally, if good things are happening its because of you, there is no such thing as a job in which a good life happens connecting lives with others in jobs, either you life is good and worth connecting to, or its not, so no offense taken, be as successful as you can be, and let people have the freedom to speak to whatever issues they think is relevant, its important that you know your story and you are comfortable with yourself, otherwise the lesson is, not to tell your story and be uncomfortable if anyone is trying to tell you what life is about and point out your defects, unfortunately that’s what life is about, comfortable on all terms, what is respect or disrespect shouldn’t matter to you based on where you are coming from in life, no headline job locations means anything is possible or going to happen for you secret in life, to have a job and have a life, you have to have one yourself.  You cant change how people feel or what they think is stupid, its not your job to prove you are important to anyone who is privileged to work and be paid, those are responsibilities, and one day, you will have success and responsibilities in life, and not be able to take on risks and protect yourself get cloudflare, therefore whats become less important is marketing seems less believable when everything is said right, since the issue is shouting or looking ugly, if I have experienced it, then explain it, otherwise don’t inherit a condition and act like that’s normal or a joke about anyone else heritage wise, nothing in life tells you anything about my family, and no family is so simple or pathetic that anyones education or life should be minimized to schizophrenia, once day it wont matter what school anyone goes to, one day, what should matter is that no one is so stupid, and doesn’t know why, for any reason, that any mental health deficit is a joke, or proper, you know whatever the basis for being hurt in life is, no one can help you asking everyone are you hurting me is this why, ultimately people will think youre mentally ill and the lesson is you cant be mad at who you think your boyfriend is with when he is with you, means that a place of no paranoia, was made to seem like I got mental illness, and thought the bartender was with my boyfriend, and because I asked and was feeling sick, means that not to guess or think anyones hurting you, is how you get made to look mentally ill, therefore ending up in the hospital, is not a joke and not important, nor is what I thought or experienced is no ones business, ultimately, if you are sick and get disconnected and don’t know why, its not the person who is making love to you is not responsible for that disconnect it will be what are you doing in life, what are you saying in life, why are you mentally ill, so that’s what going out alone and talking about life makes you sound mentally ill, its no one believes you were hurt, no one is sure if you were hurt, they think a drawing means it was fun, no I described being scared running for your life as a blackout, don’t remember it, therefore why would I ever be used as someone who is scared or scary, to accuse me of being scary, is using my experience making fun of me to convince me or others that Im stupid, eventually its not necessary to be out meet anyone and not talk about life, life isn’t about the night or events you have survived that’s not what makes you strong, what makes you strong is that in spite of anything confusing or stupid happening to you, you gain your confidence and intelligence back and never wonder what is causing you to be stupid, and why are you being made fun of, in the end who do you trust yourself, the rest doesn’t matter, ultimately if you are the positive experience and unharmed, then its by what people think your life looks like that you get judged as not cool, this is how you learn what connections are about, ultimately what causes stupidity is not the conversations you have sat through describing who has spoken to you, its about how you treat people, such that you don’t appear as someone judgmental selective, you don’t take risks, you protect who you love, by representing your love for his profession, and not be used as an example of someone who ever thought they were cool or pretty and wasn’t, or hit on like Im a bad experience or not worth it, life only happens for you fun and spontaneous when you are young, before you get hurt, after getting hurt, that’s nothing no one can explain to you, not especially who you were an adult with loving intimidate, so that’s taught me that when another man hits on me or is around me, that hurts how I feel, and that’s what makes me look stupid, like Im a rape joke, and that’s how a woman is devalued, “declare cheating” if you are ever nice to everyone and made to look stupid, you will later learn in life that instead of that being a positive trait not viewing people as capable of hurting you, but becomes whats held against you in life.

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog. Thank you for reading! Email: [email protected]

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