Category: advice

  • Everybody is Capable of Change …

    Everybody is Capable of Change …

    Remember to be proud of yourself for what you are doing in life. Feeling good about ourselves doesn’t come easy. Just know that in the moment so long as you are doing the right thing that’s one less thing to worry about going wrong for you in life. Everyone is capable of change. Change is…

  • Goodbye 2023 …

    Goodbye 2023 …

    If I could summarize 2023 into one word it would be “hectic.” I’m sure it’s not the same for everyone. It always feels like I’m trying to get from point A to point B and barely making it then starting over again along my path in life. I’m hoping that in 2024 I actually get…

  • Accept with Gratitude …

    Accept with Gratitude …

    “Gratitude helps us to stop trying to control outcomes.” Everything we go through is a necessary step toward growth and progress. And each step of the way we learn. It’s the experiences we go through that make us who we are today. Sometimes things don’t work out the way we had planned. Life can be…

  • What is Jealousy …

    What is Jealousy …

    I think in the past this was an issue more than it is now, since we have all integrated online, and are apart of one another’s life. There is still the case that in states of displeasure, unhappiness, sickness, or difficulty, that you can simply wish to be on the other side of things, peace…

  • Learn to Love in Small Doses …

    Learn to Love in Small Doses …

    I don’t date much, but when I did date in serious relationships I would give it my all, there’s just something about love, the constant gravitation toward who you love, and the sense of stability that it provides. Love can be a great motivator in life, to change and to better yourself. Everything feels more…

  • Who You Are is Not a Joke …

    Who You Are is Not a Joke …

    Who you are is not a joke. And as a politician just tweeted “No one is above the law.” Not even me. What is a threat? A threat is a statement that is made that is intended to intimidate you or take away something from you, it’s what you have that is of value, and…

  • You’re Annoying Until You’re Broken …

    You’re Annoying Until You’re Broken …

    Being annoying is being loving and not in need of help, it’s everything being okay, and you doing you’re best and no one is truly bothered by you, that’s being annoying. It’s not until you get sick, or seem sad or unhappy that people worry, that is because they think that if you are unhappy…

  • Making the Decision to Blog …

    Making the Decision to Blog …

    Most things you don’t know much about takes time to get comfortable and used to the process and I can tell that 5 years later it’s no easier going from writing to posting to editing to publishing to creating each day to the next, it’s like a job, it just seems like you’re having fun…

  • Women’s Campaign …

    Women’s Campaign …

    After submitting $5 to the Women’s March, I didn’t attend the in area Music & Speakers event held in the privacy of someone’s home. I did however make it in time to attend the local Beverly Hills version of the Women’s March, held in addition to the world record holding attendance in Downtown Los Angeles…

  • Get Back Up …

    Get Back Up …

    Going through any difficulty is a struggle, Im sure we have all been there to greater extents or not. Going through a difficulty, is harder without directions, than it is to write down what you are going through and figure out as you go, how to feel better about yourself moving forward, without getting winded…