Setting a Daily Intention


What is a daily intention? It’s the starting point of mental health recovery, “making the decision that you want to get well, even if you don’t know how.” [1] Its practicing gratitude, and setting goals for yourself, it’s self-care, it’s meditation. There are many benefits to setting a daily intention as you begin the process of recovery, remember the “body’s healing system — [has an] innate capacity to control disease and bring itself back into balance.” [2] In other words the body heals itself, all you have to do is visualize where you want to be. By “creat[ing] an exact mental blueprint or picture of health that you that you are seeking to bring into your life, you are allowing for two things to happen according to Steven Covey that all things “begin with the end in mind. According to Covey, this habit arises from the principle that “all things are created twice”—first in the mind and then in the world of form.” [3] What does this all mean? Some believe that a higher power can restore them their health and well being, and the stronger our belief is in the power of healing the better off we’ll be. Know that there are “lessons in everything- painful experiences, difficult relationships, mistakes and regrets.” [4] And just as the saying goes nothing is permanent, however as you learn these lessons you will not only strengthen your ability to adapt in the future but become more in tune with your intuitions so that when the feeling arises or circumstance you will be better prepared to “instinctively” respond and live better. [5] Never be ashamed of what you have yet to learn these life skills are not common knowledge to those who suffer until sometimes it is brought to their attention by others what needs work. For instance I just finished an IOP Program at UCLA where I was invited to speak in the future about my experiences recovering from bipolar and self-harm, it’s a difficult place to be in life, know that you’re not alone and that help is always available to you so long as you stay proactive in your attempt to recover from your current or past ailments the process of healing never stops once you get started and as I was told outside an AA meeting in West Hollywood “it only gets better.”



[2] Id at 1.

[3] Id at 1.


[5] Id at 4.

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog. Thank you for reading! Email: [email protected]

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