How You Remember Your Life …

#laxcourthouse (Day 17 of 30)

How you remember your life, is important, and although you have a special story, that doesn’t mean that your understanding of life will make sense to most, mostly when people notice you they do not think that its deserved, and if its not by beauty or intelligence, then it will not be what people know you for that attention is brought, it will always be by how you feel, by what you are thinking that others will be made to feel safe or better understood. So if it doesn’t happen for you that you are allowed to move forward in life, maybe that’s because some have better lives than you, so although you may not be understood, there is no game for acceptances in life, past the point of people including you in any “blame game,” in life is how you get treated thereforeward, a pawn to the understanding of someone trying to compartmentalize why things happen without regard for prevention at times, and that doesn’t mean that you will be known well, if you cant control yourself, or cannot control what others think, it will always be based on how you speak to others that others will come to know you or understand you in life, and sometimes its too late. So today is an example of it being too late, something has passed that is upsetting to most, that nothing can be done about. And while trying to understand the reasons for bad things happening, so choose to blame someone as not being presentable or by their candor or by the content of their conversations be judged as someone who does not have prevention in mind or blame in mind, and its upon participation in trying to understand blames, that some are included or not included with empathy or sympathy for what they have gone through in life. Its not an easy streak to wellness, you have to be someone who has something to offer the world, that is what allows you to be let into the worlds of others, not by being someone who cannot make choices, or who bys indecision, is made to not feel good about oneself, why its important to know yourself well enough to know when to quit, when to focus, and when to practice some restraint when it comes to your freedoms in life, not all things meant to be were meant to last, including friendships and acceptances from others, sometimes whats more important is to preserve your own sense of self by the time it becomes about hearing from you in order to accept you by then it will be too late, and that’s what causes others to disconnect, upon you not providing solution for their instability or not being sure of you and that you cannot change, what people value in others and all the good years they lived before a knowing of you. And that’s life, you live life, you share your life, and if you can prevent for the loss of life, and that’s being a good decision maker, never in all my years did I ever think that letting someone into my life, would result in the loss of life, including my own life, but as God will have it, its by your choices again that you are judged, so if it’s a question then allow for that to be insulting, and if it’s a precaution, then allow for that to be alarming, and if it’s a guilt, allow for that to set in, and if its to help, then allow for that discomfort to follow, its just like any favors in life, its easy to accept its harder to forgive and this you learn helping others without being compensated for your time energy and effort responding to the needs of another, and like all things there is an opportunity for complaint, if someone is made to be unhappy with you, or for the end result for everyone to be affected by your own life and choices in life, that I would never assume that the choices I make in life, would affect others, when I continue on in life, when I go back to work, when I suffer from disability, when Im on time and able to help, when its too late to help, and then you let the dust settle. There were many moments of inspiration, that’s life, it can be beautiful, it can be breathtaking, and it can be empowering, but it will not always be that way, if you allow what everyone thinks to bother you, or if you allow for anyone to make fun of your changed state off adderrall having heard what you have to say about your experiences in life, and its upon insult that others feel like they are stronger, when you cannot take an insult and that’s how they empower another woman or another man to feel stronger than you, to see how you respond with your body online, and that’s not how to empower people by making someone look bad, and that’s not how to create a loss of support, by using the body of someone to demonstrate that someone does not care for themselves or the reputations of others, there is no strength in stupidity, and while that may have been funny in the past, if its not something that can easily be made sense of by anyone reading or following, that’s how insult occurs in your audience, upon hearing of something or knowing of something they don’t want to know. Just heard a pop. So that was me shaking and me scared, and this is me being tolerant of others and letting the jokes fly by, and the ingenuity of others “SIM CARDS” and all other opportunities thought handed to you in life, by virtue of who you know, so let the orange tagging speak for itself, once an opportunity is lost to get along with everyone, its then you are made to think about yourself, much like stupidity or guilt, its to teach you how to think about life in a way that you begin to take responsibility for your own mental health and how you make others feel, and once you can accept that not everyone knows what you are thinking or doing with your life and that that doesn’t always matter, then you can accept that after something bad has happened, it will also not matter what you are thinking or what you are doing with your life, and then you begin to make less and less sense in a good way, it’s the over-dependence on sense is what triggers animosity and anger, to hear from you and to not be able to make sense for oneself, see it through, see the times through, think it through, comprehend whats of value, or be able to see you as a whole and independent unit of thought not going by a play by play of what other people are thinking by “guilts,” or by “ups,” by pop culture made to be any more less of yourself. -So allow people to be strong, and let the music speak for itself. #facethemusic

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog. Thank you for reading! Email: [email protected]

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