Category: advocacy

  • When I Give Up ….

    When I Give Up ….

    I have no explanation or justification for anyone’s displeasure with me. I can accept that all they heard was “don’t contact Todd” without concern for my best interests good will or positive effort to improve get help and offer my insights and updates as to my treatment along the way. No one ever asked for…

  • How Many Failures ….

    How Many Failures ….

    Couldn’t monetize my website. Google Ads didn’t work on WordPress. Alexa retired and address stopped ranking. My ahrefs rank discontinued 403 error. My semrush stopped working. Similar web doesn’t have my traffic numbers. WordPress theme stopped working after suit. My first website is blocked from Facebook. Facebook no longer reports # traffic numbers. My Books…

  • No One Wants to Be a Reject …

    No One Wants to Be a Reject …

    I think the hardest thing about having mental health issues is being told that you are a reject or that you will continue to live a difficult life and that things will be this way for the rest of your life, its sometimes without hope that you are left in states of being that you…

  • You’re Annoying Until You’re Broken …

    You’re Annoying Until You’re Broken …

    Being annoying is being loving and not in need of help, it’s everything being okay, and you doing you’re best and no one is truly bothered by you, that’s being annoying. It’s not until you get sick, or seem sad or unhappy that people worry, that is because they think that if you are unhappy…

  • We Have Reached a New Plateau …

    We Have Reached a New Plateau …

    Right now I would prefer to set aside medical stuff HIPAA, to manage in private, it doesn’t seem to be helping to talk about not feeling well out loud, things seem to be getting worse, and the less help I get. What’s not an emergency, is what can be done, so always put that first,…

  • What’s Bringing You Down in Life …

    What’s Bringing You Down in Life …

    To me it makes no sense why on a peaceful day such as today, one can not be feeling well, and you wonder, what is going through my mind differently than on any other day when I was feeling well, and how much of that is in my control. What can I do to make…

  • Getting Hurt Again and Again …

    Getting Hurt Again and Again …

    Stop What You’re Doing the Moment You Get Hurt & Think When you get hurt and don’t know why, get help, whether it is your fault or not. We all say things and wind up places in error as a result of something we have said. As a blogger I probably attract a lot of…

  • Resolving Dispute in Public …

    Resolving Dispute in Public …

    If you have ever wanted to make things better then this article is for you as you traverse the uncharted waters of challenging mentally standing in the way between you and others, it starts with what you make things about, and that’s how you prove or disprove you goals, agenda, territory, purpose in life, otherwise…

  • Making the Decision to Blog …

    Making the Decision to Blog …

    Most things you don’t know much about takes time to get comfortable and used to the process and I can tell that 5 years later it’s no easier going from writing to posting to editing to publishing to creating each day to the next, it’s like a job, it just seems like you’re having fun…

  • Women’s Campaign …

    Women’s Campaign …

    After submitting $5 to the Women’s March, I didn’t attend the in area Music & Speakers event held in the privacy of someone’s home. I did however make it in time to attend the local Beverly Hills version of the Women’s March, held in addition to the world record holding attendance in Downtown Los Angeles…