We Have Reached a New Plateau …

Right now I would prefer to set aside medical stuff HIPAA, to manage in private, it doesn’t seem to be helping to talk about not feeling well out loud, things seem to be getting worse, and the less help I get. What’s not an emergency, is what can be done, so always put that first, what is there to be proud and thankful for, and really utilize your problem solving skills in areas of life that you are capable of investing the time and energy in, not worrying over who is sick and why, or what is causing a popular author to not feel well. To not worry anyone, I’m feeling better, I think it’s been about too many opinions causing me to not feel well, versus feeling better, being reassured and then getting better. Usually I’m the one to recognize when I’m not feeling well I’ll feel faint, I won’t be able to function work or get things done, and that’s not occurring for me right now, so I’m sure it was that I stopped going to work for being told to go to the ER, going to the ER, going home, being sued, feeling like people are turning on me and getting close to who I love instead of me, drinking 6 beers and dating, which isn’t an emergency it means do less, stay home, lay low, think harder. All the while responding to Gun Violence, sharing a new hashtag #prevention, and sharing about what can be done in the aftermath to support one another, and in what ways were people blaming one another, or in what ways, did anything occur for anything to happen, and what can be done about that now. I don’t think work means that theres a greater chance I have no history of doing anything in life Im not sure about, I think I am where I am because I am well have recovered after years of discipline staying well, I have accepted my diagnosis, but if this is about ignoring me and hurting me and making me sick and blaming me for having a job, then thats not the solution, because I need to work, my blog is doing well, I should be a paralegal, and there is no reason why me working as a paralegal should upset anyone. And was not an upset in general, everyone was proud of me, people know that I have been struggling for years to get a paid job, and my ability to get a job, should not be tarnished by mental health issues now 2023, after years of working on myself, why should it make sense of me to suddenly fall ill and give up now, I never gave up before, and I will not give up now.

One day I’ll make it over the cusp from not feeling well, to feeling better, going to a certain number of doctors appointments and then ultimately feeling better and getting better. Everyone has a different opinion based upon knowing you or hearing what you have to say, you won’t belong everywhere, so pick and choose your battles and not take it personally, when people think you are doing worse than you are, this could be a test, how are you really feeling, what is really of issue, are you truly not feeling well and bothered about anything not in your control. What does it mean to you and your team online of fans, when you are not feeling well, do you feel let down in the process, and how much of what you are feeling has to do with anyone else.

I think that’s the lesson in people testing your spirit, do you not feel well when someone tells you that they don’t think youre well why does that not make you feel well and why, and what is the purpose for doing that to you and why. Are they trying to help you, or are they checking to see whether in your condition, are you capable of making things better, making people feel well, or do you get sick and let others down. I can’t speak for everyone who is not a blogger, but I think as a blogger you have more responsibility to stay well, and to live a balanced life. I think I’ve done that much, put proper bios on my profiles, shared on the various social media channels, let others get to know me, clear on diagnoses, they know who my friends are, they know what my troubles are. I think Im open about whats difficult for me, but now I think it’s important to discuss what may be difficult for others, maybe a reader, a medical professional, an old friend, a romantic interest, what can be difficult hearing from someone who does not believe in themselves, is not feeling well, and does not know why.

What can explain for that, the trending number of people falling ill, what does this mean to readers when an author gets sick. I don’t think that getting sick too really explains for the number of people falling due to illness, I think it makes things worse when you are considered part of the problem, and considered worse than you are. What does it mean to society when a person is made to stop living life, and be sent away or hospitalized, in what way does that do society a service. I think it would be out of consideration for others, that others will not have to deal with you not feeling well, if that’s the case, and you can get well in a hospital instead. I think that’s the general morale behind sending people away to get well, if they are not doing well and don’t know why, if they are a blogger, are considered exposing themselves, and getting hurt upon exposure, that no one can fix, so that a separation from what one is connected to blog, or an imagined audience of people, is viewed as the solution for the person connected in common, popular.

There will have to be some other way future, for accommodating all the different feelings that people get on subjects and about people known in common. I read in an article on canva.com, “but almost everyone will need to maintain a calm and clear head at some point in their lives and deliver creative ideas in difficult circumstances.”[1] People want to know why people are not feeling well, they want to know what is not working out in the minds of others, they want to know who are you, where do you stand on the issues, and in what way is your identity as known, clarifying timelines and subjects on prevention, social media development, and influencer networking and blogging as a career in general, where do you stand in the spectrum of all of that occurring for others, and what makes you apart of, not an after thought or later split decision to be something or become something big whether you recognize it or not viewed to be in competition with others female role models, in what way have you accounted for not overstepping boundaries, and not requiring anyone to be like you to be successful like you on Alexa, or Ahrefs, I think do you deserve to be who you are, and if you don’t well there are lesser known symptoms of people preferring to not know who you are and accuse people of being imitations of one another, or molded or influenced by one another, who is an original, what is an original idea, and what can account for all that has been working out for others, upon sharing your ideas and writing out loud online. What eventually hurts and why? I think the comparisons, and the insults in terms of whos who can be incredibly painful, to not allow for many to do well, over who one seems like or is like, or question what ones face or priorities are in life. It’s almost as though you don’t get to be you as punishment, if you aren’t viewed to be good enough, and that’s the sad part about making women feel bad by eachother, by making them think of one another, when doing their best to just be themselves, at some point, you have to believe that everyone cares about eachother.

I don’t think that more attention is ever required not unless what someone has to say make sense, it makes no sense to me that more attention would be able to cure a problem or deficit, it actually causes more stress the more attention that you get, it raises the bar professionally, as to what you have to say, and it makes what you haver to say more important. Even to extremes it makes you appear as though you are liable for more than the reach of your blog, and that can be stressful and difficult to examine yourself, and what has been said, and really be in tune with what you are about and not worry what other people think or what other people have to say. In what way can you get better, still care about what everyone thinks, and also make sure that everyone around you feels better, how far must you lower your guard in life and let people into your life, to be okay with you, to trust you, to know you, to not be bothered by you, or to let you be around people, in what way is you feeling unsure about yourself reflect poorly of you as a writer online, in what way as a writer online should you be sure of yourself, and in what way does not knowing what is wrong, make you seem liable for what is a lingering issue among others, not readily identifiable by what you have to say just yet.


[1] https://www.canva.com/learn/6-ways-stay-creative-pressure-4/

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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