Category: philosophy

  • Before You Come Out with it Be a Good Sport …

    When you’re at your limits that can bring out the worst in you, as viewed yesterday, caps and upset and insult the common denominator to be diagnosed as schizophrenic. A losing hand in life, and a winning hand for a psychiatrist and his preferred patients; it could not be you actually, but that shouldn’t matter…

  • Feeling Good …

    Feeling Good …

    Feeling good and being apart of is a part of life, whether you understand the meaning behind your feelings or experiences be able to go about life as you are, without feeling threatened by others. A lot of life is about confidences, like going to a Laker Game, or being out in public, its not…

  • There Are Ways …

    There Are Ways …

    There are ways to look at things, thanks Ways App for the terminology, always choose the least destructive path it’s never easy thinking when there’s some amount of resistance to an effort (such as being new at something), or be faced with a difficulty of confrontation (such as needing reassurances), or being faced with a…