Tag: about you

  • Not Handling Things Well … (re-blogged)

    Not Handling Things Well … (re-blogged)

    Originally Published 08-14-22 Not handling things well today, it seems like things can be going well and things can still not turn out right, not with your haters, not with your followers, there always seems to be a dumbfounded wonder over my health, even when Im doing my best. We’re not perfect. Which makes me…

  • Overcoming Mental Illness …

    Overcoming Mental Illness …

    I think the key part of overcoming mental illness is to understand that whats going on inside of you is maybe not happening for most and that’s a good thing, so while its important to forewarn, and keep people updated about your recovery, its also not important to let everyoine know when you are sick…

  • Being from a Different Breed …

    Being from a Different Breed …

    Finding yourself is about broadening your horizons, they always tell you to try new things, meet new people, as you get to know yourself and live a little, you become more or less susceptible to being hurt in the process of finding your way. So even if it takes you a few failed attempts at…