Tag: flirting

  • Writing is a Gift …

    Writing is a Gift …

    If you have ever taken the time to explore a skill that you want to improve upon, and finally get comfortable doing something that you enjoy doing, you eventually learn a lot about yourself, and also get a first hand window into what others may go through in trying to gather their thoughts and express…

  • Just Pen Pals …

    Just Pen Pals …

    Just pen pals … I don’t know what it is but for some reason I attract married men. There must be some middle ground that makes it okay for you to be flirtatious with men who are married. It’s not porn but it’s somewhere in between pen paling, you get to log your day, keep…

  • What I Need to Work On …

    What I Need to Work On …

    To maintain positive rapport with everyone:  Love one person, and not bounce in the event of flirting. Allow for who I love to be in the spotlight, not disempower by my odds. Not talk about the past in a way that makes anyone look bad. If I have left previously, wanted, not leave a good…