Tag: friendship

  • You Do You ….

    You Do You ….

    You do you, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. When it comes to personal health you have to do what you feel is right and you don’t have to go against your instincts just to please others. Stop worrying what everyone else thinks and focus on yourself, you will surely find the right path…

  • Friendship After Disability …

    Friendship After Disability …

    When you have friends you never worry about not having friends. Getting diagnosed with schizophrenia was one of the most painful time periods in my life in recovery and took the longest to get going and back up to speed. It also caused me unreasonable amount of difficulty mentally accepting voices as symptom and being…

  • It’s ManCrush Season …

    It’s ManCrush Season …

    So this Month’s People Magazine features Sexiest Man Alive! And just came in the mail, and just added a new friend to my Instagram “Glen Powell.” It’s actually been months maybe more than a year since Ive messaged others, took a break, erased some stuff, and now Instagram has lifted the restrictions on me sending…

  • Surprise Yourself …

    Surprise Yourself …

    Surprise yourself, you’re stronger than you think, history isn’t always right about you including your past. If in the past your last attempt to get strong either didn’t last got burnt out or lost momentum so much so you thought you slowed down in life due to old age, you haven’t lived enough life yet…

  • 5 Ways to Care Even When You’re Scared to Say Anything …

    5 Ways to Care Even When You’re Scared to Say Anything …

    Whenever I find myself responding to a traumatic event or loss, I think about how can I not make things worse than they already are, and what can be said to help make things better. I’ve found that during times of trauma, people want more answers than questions, it’s more settling to the mind to…

  • Understanding Women …

    Understanding Women …

    You can be a woman, and have no understanding of their distress signals or be able to read the needs of one another, it’s not something you are trained to do, to read into others, or figure eachother out. Socially these are skills that you are born with, getting along with others and making friends.…

  • How do Angry Voices Talk? …

    How do Angry Voices Talk? …

    Based on my experience, angry voices say things that you don’t say and you can hear them and do not know how they are able to talk to your body. They try to listen to you to see if you talk to yourself, which I don’t, and in the event that I am made to…

  • What Matters Now …

    What Matters Now …

    What matters now is that I have my life back, although my future is not certain, things have been going well enough long enough, to continue on blogging and being there for others. The only thing about me that not clear, is my mental health, and that will take time, I guess blogging is a…

  • Innocent Until Proven Wrong …

    Innocent Until Proven Wrong …

    In this Country you are innocent until proven wrong. I was watching the news today and saw street art of a hello kitty doctor on a city box. Excellent point, of course to me as related to me represents a series of thinkings that Im not sure all who don’t know me would see the…

  • Personal Update: New Goals New Me

    Personal Update: New Goals New Me

    A lot of good things have been happening for me lately, despite a recent incident of self-harm, I don’t know how that occurred, was probably getting voices and my feelings were hurt. That’s usually how it happens. But for the most part, I’ve been positive.  Here’s what is going well for me: Here’s what is…