Tag: personality

  • Intelligence, Demeanor, Humor, Popularity, and Feeling Good is Not Gay ….

    Intelligence, Demeanor, Humor, Popularity, and Feeling Good is Not Gay ….

    Intelligence is not gay. People don’t feel good by themselves, they feel good by reflecting on their lives, reviewing their own work, and liking what they see. You shouldn’t always rely on visually pleasing work product to identify or create for standards of value, and Im not an example of anyone who can get away…

  • What is a Blogger For? …

    What is a Blogger For? …

    What to Consider Before Blogging: How to Get Going as a Blogger: How to Know When You’re Ready to Distribute: What are your Goals as a Blogger?

  • Looking Forward to an Updated Website …

    Looking Forward to an Updated Website …

    On the tech side of things web design wise, my website is not up to standard, I have paid before in the past to build a website, its about whats going on in my life, whether I have the opportunity to blog, and while reflecting on whats at odds toward me given online bullying short…

  • The Pressure for Engagement …

    The Pressure for Engagement …

    I don’t know if it’s the same for everyone, but Im sure this dynamic is based on a less popular symptom of being needed, which in the realm of support, is not a healthy relationship. I think the supply and demand analysis also does not apply to blogging and the required output or quality level.…

  • Creating Peace Amidst Chaos …

    Creating Peace Amidst Chaos …

    How is peace made amidst chaos? Like all dark places in life created by evil and violence, the sky will not be clear, the future will not appear in clear light, and the present will feel awakened to a state of saturation, when one is made to be consumed by what is around them, either…

  • Article: What Other People Think .

    Article: What Other People Think .

    What other people think, this is a subject that crosses our mind, particularly when we are made to look at ourselves, or to observe and review our own lives, before putting ourselves on public display, whether its looking in the mirror to check our outfit and our faces, or assembling a project to put on…

  • Understanding Your Momentum …

    Understanding Your Momentum …

    In order to succeed in life, you have to do what you feel is right, and in the event you feel attached to unwanted thoughts or people, it will be up to you, what dead weight you choose to carry around with you or blame for your loss of energy and momentum. It could be…

  • It’s Worth the Wait …

    It’s Worth the Wait …

    Relationships can be challenging. You can be everything to someone or you could be nothing. Who are you to you? Reinforce the things you like about yourself, remind yourself of what you’re grateful for. It’s worth the wait, don’t rush into anything you’re not ready for. Relationships can be a lot of work, just make…

  • Rescinded Care …

    Rescinded Care …

    Planning ahead gives you confidence and direction in life. [1] So what should we do when we lose inspiration? I was thinking about this today, how difficult it is for some to hear what they want or need to hear and how easily our feelings are hurt these days. This is how talking yourself through…

  • It’s Not About Being Pretty …

    It’s Not About Being Pretty …

    Life’s not about being pretty and feeling beautiful that’s the misconception about happiness, is that of course happy people look well and seem pretty, like they have it all, but everyone is capable of not feeling good, getting sick, suffering from disillusionment, or not being loved. The balance is in feeling good and making others…