What is a Blogger For? …


What to Consider Before Blogging:

  • Your mental health, do you feel comfortable sharing without pay.
  • Your education, do you feel confident about what you think.
  • Your personal history, are you comfortable telling your story.
  • Measured challenges, do you ask questions when you need help.
  • Are you comfortable knowing when to research, read, verify what you think.
  • At what point are citations needed, what types of article should be cited.
  • Are you comfortable enough as a blogger, to teach how you became a blogger.
  • What is required for you to continue to feel motivated to blog.
  • What are your cares, and in what way does how you look and sound reflect those cares.
  • Are the people that you know comfortable that you blog, are you able to share to them too.
  • What stage of comfort in what order to blog public, first be comfortable in real life, or Facebook.

How to Get Going as a Blogger:

  • Choose a format that works for you, what keeps you disciplined.
  • What are the types of posts you can write what are the standards.
  • Examples of Types of Posts I Write: Personal, Educational, Mental Health, Perspective, Analysis, Prevention Discussions, Sharing for Influence, Sharing for Empowerment, Sharing to Help Prevent Mental Health Issues, Honesty with my Progress, Staying Well, Commitment to Bettering Myself to be Qualified to Speak Online and to Help Others, by Applying for Jobs & Working.
  • You don’t need a plan to get started blogging, what you need to know is if you can.
  • Not everyone has the type of life that enables them to blog, it takes effort.
  • Knowing what to say, or knowing what to say to help others, requires experience.
  • In what ways does blogging become dangerous? When it gets personal, competitive, combative, when your influence is not measured or shared, when there are unknown readers when they do not know who your readers are and cannot see them, the percentage of people helped by you, and in what ways listed are you able to help others, if you have a mental health issue explain how are you able to help people not get mental health issues, based on your experience with it.
  • Is writing a reflection of your intelligence or a mental health issue, how can people tell whether you are being intelligent and careful thoughtful, versus not making sense, what determines that, and once you recognize what the determinations are being made of you, then be aware careful.

How to Know When You’re Ready to Distribute:

  • Once you are comfortable with your content and have a history of a year developing a blog, to get to a point of comfort in writing online, is a good time to distribute, also in moments when you do not feel known or watched, is the best time to share by hashtag, before you become consumed by pressure or analysis of you as a person, character, or by diagnosis, it’s best to write when you are feeling good, healthy, and don’t have problems, hard to write with problems.
  • Make sure that your image online matches your image in real life, and make sure to back up your stats with other qualifying factors such as applications, views, job interviews and further professional confirmation of your writing ability or ability to stay well, these are the challenges that a writer with mental health faces, when they are viewed as mentally ill it will not make sense to others in what way they are capable of being a self-help writer, if they get sick, it will not make sense for someone to be a self-help writer, if they are not able to help themselves.

What are your Goals as a Blogger?

  • Know what your personal interest is in blogging, before you get going writing for a year.
  • After you become known and get stats, that’s when you will be questioned on influences, ideas, and how you got started, or got going, or kept going, that’s something people want to know.
  • Share about who you are, without subjecting yourself to being watched, stalked, or interacted with in public or private in a way, that your blog wrongfully informs others of a self-made secret about you, that you don’t talk about your blog, or others don’t talk about your blog with you.
  • Be able to talk about your blog and be able to clearly outline, what your blog does.
  • Once you outline what your blog does, then you have to continue to support what you say your blog does, even if you already did the work, you will have to continue to explain how it works.
  • Maintain your privacy interests, its never safe to have everyone be close to you, or to give your power away to others, and make people think that you are not trying hard or verbose.
  • Make sure that everything you have to say is of value, it doesn’t matter the tone or words.
  • Your goals of a blogger, is to overcome something that you can then support others through.
  • If you have mental health issues it can be a good idea or a bad idea to disclose, depending on how you are made to feel afterward, sometimes it can help, sometimes hurts treatment of you.
  • In order to be an advocate for others with mental health issues, you don’t need to have mental health issues, it’s something we should all be concerned about, you don’t need to know someone with mental health issues, and no hospitalization can explain to anyone what a mental health issue is or how it occurs, they are not contagious, it’s a chemical imbalance, not by sex, reading, talking, or association, it’s something in your body that is not working for your brain is what I think is a chemical imbalance, and likewise voices are simply not feeling good and when you don’t feel good you don’t hear yourself unless you write, and end up hearing what you think people are saying to you or about you, that’s being known, either you speak, or be tormented.
  • Are you careful in your discussions of serious issues, maladies, mental health, in what way does your experience make you an expert in knowing when you are sick or when you are well, what does a mental health issue not make you an expert of, identifying what a person has, or what a person is thinking, or what their issue is, having a mental health issue does not make you a medical professional, who is required or trained or expected to cure and determine or locate an issue that another has, all that one must do, is to identify what is occurring for them explain.
  • How to become an author, writing and blogging is a good stepping stone, however doing work and editing and paying for publishing a book is not something that you publish for free because that can hurt you not in terms of books sales, its creating value difficult your time and energy and focus which takes years, and then someone else is getting a clarity or solution or perspective for free and you are not credited for what a person is able to retain or helps them in life, is how you can be out competed in life, devalued, and made to sound worse or write worse, when people improve, and they no longer see you as having clarity, is how a person with mental health issues who was clear and well spoken, is made to seem like they are something not on the blog. People will always want to know what you sound like sick, this is how you can be devalued as a writer or a blogger online, when you are made to feel sick in real life, and then cant write well.
  • Join clubs, attend seminars, sign up for emails, message people, engage at your own risk, ultimately like any life, when things are not good for you you cant reach out to people, you cant encourage people, you will not have the same enthusiasm and professional touch, and you will not be able to say enough to impress others, that’s when people don’t need you, or think that you are saying something that they know, that is how you become devalued as a writer.
  • Don’t allow for your story to be devalued, if its made in good health, and if its made without anything bad happening to you or others, then it will not later be considered as something that is informing or benefiting the wrong people in life, and don’t let your mental health issues or health be used, to explain for people who are mentally ill or criminal or the types of people that people don’t associate with, in the end it’s the internet so the standards are not the same as they are in Los Angeles, or in a Bar, or a Club, or a Fancy Office, online you can be accepted as you are, and the image of who you are, matters less, people can tell whether you are approachable and of value interesting or not, and you don’t need to be famous, I was not famous, I have separated from friends, Im not the prettiest or the smartest or tech savy, I don’t have much experience in therapy or being hospitalized, I am not new to being well, I have been well the majority of my life, except a few years, so I would not know what brings others to suicide, or what is going so wrong in life, or crime wise, that anyone would want to leave on the basis of who likes me knows me or the extent of my influence in the community at large, that would be to say that if something is because of me a person died or committed suicide because they didn’t want to be alive with people who are like me or influenced by me to accuse me of being someone who should not be known, or if known, doesn’t feel good to argue doesn’t make other people feel good. I don’t think it’s the basis of what people say that should determine who is sick or doesn’t feel good, a lot of people don’t need eachother, don’t know eachother, don’t follow or read one another, most people are not famous like me, not noticed not liked, or struggling and that doesn’t bother anyone, and no one known should be hospitalized is not the solution to making people feel better, by removing a person who is known to many, hurts many.

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

Thank you for reading!

Email: [email protected]

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