Tag: progress

  • New Blog: Description

    New Blog: Description

    Welcome to my blog! Sorry for the inconvenience of me not doing well and having personal problems to sort out, everything takes time, and sometimes whats difficult for you is not something easy to explain to others, and subjects you to more harm the longer you are not doing well explaining to others why not.…

  • Making the Decision to Blog …

    Making the Decision to Blog …

    Most things you don’t know much about takes time to get comfortable and used to the process and I can tell that 5 years later it’s no easier going from writing to posting to editing to publishing to creating each day to the next, it’s like a job, it just seems like you’re having fun…

  • Take Time to Work on Yourself …

    Take Time to Work on Yourself …

    This has been a tough year for me, a lot of reunions with exes, and people coming back into my life, but still a long way to go, in terms of being comfortable with myself. I think publishing two books will prove to myself that I can earn a wage for my writing, and be…

  • What is Stupidity? …

    What is Stupidity? …

    When it comes to feeling good, no matter how it occurs, you must be doing something well, either mentally or physically, not worried about outside pressures, in your own skin, being yourself, and able, competent. That’s feeling good in my mind. It’s when nothing bothers you and you can exist, without interference from other people…

  • Rescinded Care …

    Rescinded Care …

    Planning ahead gives you confidence and direction in life. [1] So what should we do when we lose inspiration? I was thinking about this today, how difficult it is for some to hear what they want or need to hear and how easily our feelings are hurt these days. This is how talking yourself through…

  • The Type of Person I Am …

    The Type of Person I Am …

    Visiting OCDA Office, this is day 2, of visiting, I think I have stopped by twice before, so this may be my 4th or 5th time visiting the office, just sitting outside, Ive been walked into the building once to talk to a police officer at the front desk.  Getting your life back post punishment is difficult,…

  • Things Will Get Better …

    Things Will Get Better …

    If prayer doesn’t work for you, then think what will help you spiritually get through what you are going through and come out the other end, feeling like a better person as a result of having your experiences in life. Nothing lasts forever, including the painful moments, so in your distress, instead of worrying and…

  • Good Advice …

    Good Advice …

    Good advice is hard to come by, you won’t always hear what you want to hear when the troubles you face are of your own making, this is true of addiction, or making mistakes when it comes to being close to wrong people, or run the risk exposing yourself to others, not all people can…

  • We See Four …

    We See Four …

    I know it’s not a comfortable subject prevention and issues following an incident but I think it’s in reviewing our progress that things get better in terms of what thoughts we allow to supersede our best judgments in life not to allow the thinkings of others to persuade or condemn one another as being responsible…

  • The Circle of Care …

    The Circle of Care …

    If it hasn’t hit you yet, once it does we are all here for you, that’s trauma. It stops you in you tracks, causes you to freeze, and lose your positive momentum. Life may get difficult emotionally, but that doesn’t mean you’re alone. Tune in to things that matter to you, and don’t be afraid…