Category: beingpositive

  • It’s Up to You ….

    It’s Up to You ….

    It’s up to you … Where do you see yourself 5 years from now and what are you going to do to get there. Think of each day as bringing you one step closer. For every big goal set a few mini goals toward accomplishing that goal. How should you answer this question? “think about…

  • Fighting Prevention …

    Fighting Prevention …

    When it comes to fighting, no one likes fighting, it takes a lot out of you, and makes you feel spent, as though all your resources have been exhausted, leaving you feeling empty. Fighting sometimes is a battle that you can’t stop, something happening that leaves you feeling powerless, it can be a tiring and…

  • (Removed) Getting Ready to Attend the Shorty Awards …

    (Removed) Getting Ready to Attend the Shorty Awards …

    It’s May 2023, and I’ve been applying to Shorty Awards for years, since my first submission 2016, its now 2023, and had two submissions this year, this will take time, but I’ve not given up. Stats are important, what’s more important is being able to sustain that 17,963 Alexa Rank and 600M Views, so get…

  • What is a Blogger For? …

    What is a Blogger For? …

    What to Consider Before Blogging: How to Get Going as a Blogger: How to Know When You’re Ready to Distribute: What are your Goals as a Blogger?

  • Putting Yourself Together …

    Putting Yourself Together …

    Took rest a few days, woke up with a massive headache the other day, things like that mean I just need to slow down and rest. It might not seem like a lot of work but writing is work it’s putting parts of you online to be read by others, what you’re willing to speak…

  • On a Lighter Note …

    On a Lighter Note …

    I took myself to the hospital and called for help, because I was getting frustrated and sounded like I was giving up in life, and I don’t fully know why I don’t feel good or what is causing that. So this just teaches me that what I have to say is important and what I…

  • Learning to Love Yourself in Spite of the Odds …

    Learning to Love Yourself in Spite of the Odds …

    As someone who is overweight and has difficulty maintaining beauty and femininity even with my body type, there are many ways to love yourself, love what you’re doing in life, and make a good life for yourself in spite of your odds, and still get picked for dating and jobs. I think I’m a good…

  • Attention Spans and Problem Solving …

    Attention Spans and Problem Solving …

    I was thinking about the song “Anti-Hero” by Taylor Swift the other day, and wanted to understand my reaction, why did I start crying, it must have pointed to an issue that I suffer from. Specifically the word “narcissism” why would someone narcissistic prefer to look at the sun rather than themselves. This seemed to…

  • How does a Cease-Fire Work? …

    How does a Cease-Fire Work? …

    As a blogger I have always done my part to be a welcomed space, where anyone can read, and most people feel good about me sharing, a quiet acceptance and appreciation for being informed about my life. Everyone’s life is an open a window to ideas and for viewing what reality appears like, and from…

  • Regarding Fires …

    Regarding Fires …

    It’s been my experience when there are fires, people become extremely irritable, and helpless, and its really based on who is strong at the time of a crisis to step it up, and to help reassure other people and provide support, until the weakness corrupting the minds of those affected by fires, are not made…