Tag: attachments

  • How Ideas Splinter …

    How Ideas Splinter …

    Everyone has their own way of looking at things, and that much you have to accept about others. If you are someone online, sharing your ideas, then that is something that you don’t have control over someone hearing from you, having ideas of their own, then either judging you, having faith in you, or seeing…

  • What Things Are? …

    What Things Are? …

    You share your identity, then you lose your identity, and that’s being positive, why most people don’t share online. So that was me, my “character,” as in “good character” or “moral character.” So that’s how I get treated if Im loving, kind, innocent, proper, normal. Then there is who thinks you (1) deserve to go…

  • 8 Years Alone (2004-2017) …

    8 Years Alone (2004-2017) …

    I cant say its been easy, and it seems when things are going wrong, everyone is beside themselves and that’s not unique to a year, to a company, or to an age group it will always be that way when people are thinking, that’s not always your fault what causes others to think faster, or…