Tag: compassion

  • The Point of Change …

    The Point of Change …

    Not everyone will understand your decisions in life, and someone trying to change you is trying to convince others that what you have to say is not coming from you, why they try to change you into another person, to make you seem like you think you are something you are not “hot.” So the…

  • Personal Update ….

    Personal Update ….

    Just talked to a psychiatrist almost gave up and was thinking to go to the hospital pack another bag, not doing well. At least in my mind. Its clear the instagram is not a good way to demonstrate that I acknowledge what is not going right or showing that I am thinking in the right…

  • When Love Comes Around …

    When Love Comes Around …

    By the time love comes around, hopefully you are not too far from your goals in life, to settle down, liking just one person, I know its hard when things are going well for all your attentions to be divided, and for you to have a million goals that come before monogamy, I was one…

  • Change is Scary …

    Change is Scary …

    Let’s face it, how many of us on the verge of something new find ourselves lost? I certainly do, and that’s not an unusual experience. According to tinybuddah.com, “life will always require you to let go of something before the next thing is in sight.” [1] So instead of darting our eyes, counting out ABCs…