Tag: destruction

  • Some See Life, Some See Death …

    Some See Life, Some See Death …

    One of the scariest facts about life is death, and while you may not encounter the feeling or have been exposed first hand to the experience of dying, Im sure it is something that you have feared before, and especially now with the news of its happening, its not reassuring to hear that there are…

  • The Challenge to Blog …

    The Challenge to Blog …

    Creating a safe place is not easy not in private and not in public you’ll reach a point in your recovery when you feel tested usually in transitions or when trying to prove your sanity and stability that’s the problem with disclosing where you have been it’s not believed until it’s seen and so it’s…

  • Why I Cannot Tolerate “Voices” …

    Why I Cannot Tolerate “Voices” …

    Sometimes people will not allow you to get well, and that’s not something you can change about someone who is not in acceptance of your condition, don’t also expect that someone will be in acceptance of you doing well or struggling either make worse, some people think they are entitled to that much in life,…