Tag: hate

  • My Goals in Life …

    My Goals in Life …

    Work from home, unless made to apply for a job to be supported. Blog, but not in a way that subjects me or others to harm, hurt my identity or theirs. Write directly to the courts in the event I am being made to defend self interpret others. Not subject myself to bullying, continue to…

  • Dont Let Anyone Bother You …

    Dont Let Anyone Bother You …

    Most of life is a cat and mouse game, of attentions anyways, so just be mindful, every moment counts, and feelings matter also. I think that’s the name of the game, who is being tended to, who is in need of attention, and what attention is about, its mostly people who think that they deserve…

  • Lose Yourself …

    Lose Yourself …

    There will be moments in life when you are yourself, disconnected from the past, past struggles, past outlooks, and then there are moments when you are reminded of your past, by what you share about yourself. There can be no self-growth, during moments of chaos, mental disturbance, confusion, heartache, heartbreak, when you don’t feel like…

  • One Thing I Have Trouble With …

    One Thing I Have Trouble With …

    One thing I struggle with is staying positive past the point of failure feeling defeated in life like there is nothing I can do to make my life better it’s at those points in life you begin to question your personal value what you are able to do and sometimes question your own abilities after…