Tag: influence

  • How to Build a Sense of Community …

    How to Build a Sense of Community …

    Being online is much different than communications in real life, all require the same standards of organization, and neatness, that’s always the best and most proper way to convey what you’re saying to others. So what does building a sense of community mean. I think when we hear community we think of what types of…

  • CDC Research Paper (first draft) ….

    CDC Research Paper (first draft) ….

    Prevention: Firearm Violence Research Paper CDC Violence Prevention 03-29-23 Question(s): How to Prevent Firearm Related Violence and Injuries, RFA-CE-23-005: How to Inform Firearm Related Violence and Injury Prevention Strategies, RFA-CE-23-006: Rigorously Evaluate Innovative and Promising Strategies to Prevent Firearm Related Violence and Injuries The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) supports research that…

  • Women in Common …

    Women in Common …

    One of the most mature things you can do as a woman is to:

  • What is a Blogger For? …

    What is a Blogger For? …

    What to Consider Before Blogging: How to Get Going as a Blogger: How to Know When You’re Ready to Distribute: What are your Goals as a Blogger?

  • Looking Forward to an Updated Website …

    Looking Forward to an Updated Website …

    On the tech side of things web design wise, my website is not up to standard, I have paid before in the past to build a website, its about whats going on in my life, whether I have the opportunity to blog, and while reflecting on whats at odds toward me given online bullying short…

  • Creating Peace Amidst Chaos …

    Creating Peace Amidst Chaos …

    How is peace made amidst chaos? Like all dark places in life created by evil and violence, the sky will not be clear, the future will not appear in clear light, and the present will feel awakened to a state of saturation, when one is made to be consumed by what is around them, either…

  • Be Strong Person …

    Be Strong Person …

    It’s been dead quiet for a few days now, so I’m thinking the fighting and confrontations are not helping at this hour. Recently in private I was thinking about how I can tell once a post should be taken down, what becomes inappropriate about what has been said, there are a few things that I…

  • What is a Life Force? …

    What is a Life Force? …

    In different periods in life, you will have different needs, and more or less time for discussing things that you do not feel need discussion. In times of need its important to be heard and to be supported, if you have friends they will be sure to reinforce that you are a good person, worthy…

  • Handle Things in Stride …

    Handle Things in Stride …

    You can’t really toot your horn in this business unless people allow you to, a career in writing teaches you to aim for delayed gratification rather than seek immediate results. As a writer you are feeding off your own energy in life, that’s what gives life to new ideas, and your inner genius, which you…

  • Your Hand in Life …

    Your Hand in Life …

    *This post was removed because then I start talking to him not my audience the person who upset me so when you read it and it doesn’t apply to you upsets the wrong people when it’s intended to clarify to who hurt me that I don’t wish to help him benefit reading my work if…