Tag: lies

  • We are Each Responsible ….

    Once you become known and its on record how many people are reading and the potential number of people who can be helped by you, it’s more than just titles and headings which need to be proven against all odds, obstacles, and losses, it’s about who you are as a person, deserving, or not, let…

  • I’m Not Responsible … (speech) #1

    I’m Not Responsible … (speech) #1

    When 8 million people are lied to and convinced to hate and detest a woman for what they look like, where they have been, and who they are, that’s a hate crime, and I’m not responsible for the emotions that were evoked in those who lost respect for me, thought I looked stupid, were disgusted…

  • Without a Job …

    Without a Job …

    Without a job life is difficult, hard to get through the day and keep busy stay motivated, and hard to talk to others when you are not made to be proud of yourself, and it doesn’t get easier with a job, the better you feel the worse the judgment, no one ever really feels sorry…

  • Resist the Urge to Backtrack …

    There are two ways of moving forward, one is to revisit your past, and once that’s dealt with focus on your present, or to think about your future with appreciation for where you’ve been. Notice that in both instances, you are looking at your life through a positive lens. That’s caring for your best interests,…

  • Letter to the DA’s Website …

    Letter to the DA’s Website …

    Ive never seen myself on a losing team in life, I would not know what that looks like, to be bullied or to get voices and not know why, if it was something that worried me once and overcame it then good job me, if its something I cannot overcome and its nothing anyone else…