Tag: negativity

  • What is Jealousy …

    What is Jealousy …

    I think in the past this was an issue more than it is now, since we have all integrated online, and are apart of one another’s life. There is still the case that in states of displeasure, unhappiness, sickness, or difficulty, that you can simply wish to be on the other side of things, peace…

  • How does a Cease-Fire Work? …

    How does a Cease-Fire Work? …

    As a blogger I have always done my part to be a welcomed space, where anyone can read, and most people feel good about me sharing, a quiet acceptance and appreciation for being informed about my life. Everyone’s life is an open a window to ideas and for viewing what reality appears like, and from…

  • Based on Recent Events …

    Based on Recent Events …

    I’ve decided not to share my thoughts or opinions anymore as to things on going in my life or share stories from my life anymore since that is not the solution to my current dilemmas and problems. Because I was diagnosed as schizophrenic with a law degree it no longer makes sense for me to…

  • Holding Still …

    Holding Still …

    We’ve all been there those moments when you hold still waiting for a negative feeling or series of thoughts to leave your body, and sometimes holding still doesn’t work. We’ve tried meditation, we’ve tried writing, we’ve tried physical activity. How can we learn to just let go when the feelings arising from a given event…

  • Rescinded Care …

    Rescinded Care …

    Planning ahead gives you confidence and direction in life. [1] So what should we do when we lose inspiration? I was thinking about this today, how difficult it is for some to hear what they want or need to hear and how easily our feelings are hurt these days. This is how talking yourself through…

  • It’s Hard to Believe …

    It’s Hard to Believe …

    It’s always hard to believe when people trip out or don’t seem like themselves. It seems to be the unwanted intrusion into our lives when people have problems, I guess we were not all built to be doctors and therapists but if we could learn to have more compassion and less fear for these subjects…

  • I Don’t Have to Be Beautiful for Anyone …

    I Don’t Have to Be Beautiful for Anyone …

    I don’t have to be beautiful for anyone that’s not what blogging and recording my health by selfie is about it’s about making improvements and working on yourself, focusing less on others, and the task at hand whatever that may be. You can only integrate and work alongside others and share common graces, encouragement, pride,…

  • Some See Life, Some See Death …

    Some See Life, Some See Death …

    One of the scariest facts about life is death, and while you may not encounter the feeling or have been exposed first hand to the experience of dying, Im sure it is something that you have feared before, and especially now with the news of its happening, its not reassuring to hear that there are…

  • Where to Begin …

    Where to Begin …

    There are different kinds of problems to have in life, problems within yourself, problems with other people, problems that others have about you, and problems that you can’t let go of, they can be problems present, past, or ongoing, what matters most is your health. Problems are the kind of thing that are attached to…

  • How to Function in Dysfunction …

    How to Function in Dysfunction …

    There will always be times in life, where you will be made to adjust, and it won’t matter where you are in life, what you have, or where you’re headed, life tends to just come to a stop, and we have all been there, not sure of ourselves or what to do. This is what…