Tag: online bullying

  • Commit to Getting Well …

    Commit to Getting Well …

    You’re not alone in your battle against mental illness, some things are forgiveable, remember your boundaries with others. There’s no need to sacrifice your good graces to confront the demons of others, don’t make another person’s opinion of you your struggle. Find common ground. Don’t be restrained by outside opinions, know your own strength, and…

  • The Nightmare Continues …

    The Nightmare Continues …

    Its not been an easy year for most people, and while I have tried to cut back on blogging, there is one thing for sure, there are not so many fun benefits of blogging, such as the paranoia that you get from any harm that you have suffered in the process of opening up. I…

  • There’s A Saying …

    There’s A Saying …

    Theres a saying, “let go let god,” which is something that I think applies right now, on the brink of feeling hurt you have a choice, what you take in (take to heart), and what you let go (not get under your skin). It can be for many reasons, or a few setbacks, that you…

  • Out of Sorts …

    Out of Sorts …

    Have you ever been going in a direction in life, that another has been made unhappy by? That’s your mental health. Figure out where are you situated in life, is it a position that you cannot return from, and what is it that you need to be doing with your life, in order for others…