Tag: singing

  • What Does it Mean to Help Others …

    What Does it Mean to Help Others …

    In the brutal era of mental health issues, whats more important is your own health, maybe not necessarily your reputation. It seems to be the case of negative spotlights, not bringing anyone down in life or into a problem that is not their own, so while you may be able to advocate for others, that…

  • Motion for World Peace …

    Motion for World Peace …

    Motion for World Peace Submitted 05-30-21 Written: 05-30-21 @ 11:27 pm By: mymollydoll.com Its not possible to do anything for a result, not unless you can be relied upon, and that’s where trust generally lies, within someone who has the capability of making others feel better, whether that’s through provided reassurances, or through a demonstrated…

  • How to Process Shame …

    How to Process Shame …

    What are the ways in which shame can impact your psyche, or be made to look like? At a time like this, there can be any number of elements keeping you from being your whole self. What does that mean. It means when you feel hurt, its easy to go backwards, then be reminded of…

  • Love is a Beautiful Experience …

    Love is a Beautiful Experience …

    Love is a beautiful experience, so with love, always proceed. I think most of life happens in that way, either surrounded by love, the quiet air in the room, similar to a respect that is paid in acknowledgement of others in a room. There are few moments when no one knows what to do, and…