Tag: truth

  • How is God Made? ….

    How is God Made? ….

    Originally Posted 04-20-21 Being in touch with God, is not a state of being that makes you invincible to life stresses, immune from hardship, or protected from harm, its about whether or not you have trust in yourself, and on the basis of your own sense of direction in life, make the right decisions in…

  • Resist the Urge to Backtrack …

    There are two ways of moving forward, one is to revisit your past, and once that’s dealt with focus on your present, or to think about your future with appreciation for where you’ve been. Notice that in both instances, you are looking at your life through a positive lens. That’s caring for your best interests,…

  • Where Does the Opportunity Lie? …

    Ive never not been anyone who has not dated or not been asked out to date, and those are not my odds for finding love, being present, nor is that the impetus for being anywhere in life to be liked, or for the purposes of being loved, and that’s how I think I was mistaken.…

  • Whats Related? …

    Whats Related? …

    Well now everyone finally knows eachother? Was it as painful of an experience as you thought happened, hopefully not, expecting the worst. We will all come to fully understand the significance of one anothers experiences in life eventually, and hopefully there is more love to pass around than any resentments, carry a lightened load not…