Life Happens …

Life happens, its impossible to know anything in advance to anything happening, which causes you difficulty in understanding, if its just a challenge to overcome thinking wise, then please don’t be too hard on yourself. Wisdom occurs when you are at peace, that’s a good time to reflect on life, and what needs work. Like most people when theyre tired, you may not feel like talking, you may not have any words of wisdom to share, and you may think you are more tired and less capable than you are, and this is when you need to believe in yourself.

Who is it that later becomes successful? If you have learned from your past good, if you still have a lot to figure out for yourself in life good. I think confidence occurs in being sure of yourself, not necessarily required for others to be sure about you. That’s what Ive found moving forward in life, when Im at ease, another may seem more or less enthusiastic about me, and that could just be someone sizing you up, not knowing how hard you’ve worked to be where you are in life. Popular, well read, supported, liked, a blogger. It’s a new identity, and not one that comes easily to most, there is a huge learning curve, when it comes to blogging. So once you’ve found your niche audience, do your best to continue to improve, not settle for less than your best.

Like most things youre new to it takes time to adjust, whether that’s a new relationship, free reading a new book, sitting down to watch a TV show or a movie, or looking for new music. That’s your time to pause, and to take the time, to find things that match what youre going through in life, and its totally normal for your likes to change overtime. Ive noticed for example, in writing, Im not the same person I was 2013, or 2016, or 2018, 2019, or 2021, and that’s a good sign, for your writing to become more clear, for you to appear less experimental, and for your boundaries to have been established in terms of the types of things you are willing to talk about. 

Less is more. In order to be comfortable blogging, the less personal anecdotal referencing you share from your life, the less disempowered you feel, that’s creating a space for another to feel like they know you well, and some comfortable distance should be maintained if you are writing online, which anyone can read, anyone can find, and anyone can benefit from, so know who you are, and if its something about yourself, you don’t want everyone to know, then don’t share.

According to, “According to Thich Nhat Hanh (2014), the secret to happiness is seeking peace, not excitement.” [1] This is very true, I read his book once “You are Here.” Im not someone who likes excitement, generally Im a stay at home student, for the majority of my life 2004 to 2015, Ive been to two tech mixers, which is basically introducing yourself, what your working on, and sharing ideas or paying for advice with regards to what you want to build. You know not all conversations public are good in terms of sharing your ideas, you may think that you need to run your ideas past someone but its really hard to pick the right people to talk to, you cant just go around sharing what you think, and hoping for anyone to help you realize your potential, that requires investment of your time, energy, and money, into creating a website that reflects you in the positive, and is something that people upon arriving to, feel like their time is not being wasted, worth the read, and left with a good feeling, also mentioned by Meera Kothand (27) in “One Hour Content Plan,” [2] Youll have many ideas, and most of where you see yourself in the future will not happen for you so long as you are waiting for things to happen for you in life, or find the exact directions for how to create something that only you can envision, and that’s getting to know your creative side, thinking outside the box. 

Whats one way to avoid discomfort as you make progress in life? Only talk about what going well for you, and if it becomes a long discussion to talk about what hasn’t gone well for you in life, well that’s a separate conversation for a different audience, probably your psychiatrist, therapist, or sponsor. So whether or not everything turned out to be a joke about my life, lived up to, a worse mental health condition, it can also work in your favor, to be someone who appears to have been inspired by a road paved by another in a different field like the movie: Legally Blonde, I think she inspired a lot of women to go to law school, and to be fun about it. 

So what does it mean to blog? Its showing others what you know, and what you think about life, whether or not that matches up with what anyone thought of you, or where anyone was coming from past, made to think that you were about something that you were not insult. I don’t think that insult is what drives progress, or gives anyone strength, it actually causes disempowerment, and that may be the style of treating people, who they think think they are bigger than they are, or more important than they are, that’s just how I have been treated as woman, who is not 100%, on a lot of meds, but not someone who lights up hyper, or animated, talkative around most, I think I was even once described as an introvert, Im shy, but there is nothing deep, dark, or secretive about me, that is the source of my physical discomfort, it was probably me in a new environment, not anywhere where everything gels to me and know what Im doing, such as working in law, if youre half competent in something, you can wing the rest, that’s career.



[2] Meera Kothand, One Hour Content Plan (2017).

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog. Thank you for reading! Email: [email protected]

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