Going to Treatment Tomorrow …


Its clear that whatever Im battling in life, Im losing, and since I cannot fix what is wrong, or say anything to get out of a condition in which I don’t feel well, to avoid anyone making an example of me, as someone who speaks and is not well, am going to treatment tomorrow, to get help. This is the most painful condition I have ever been in in my entire life. Im sorry if anyone else took things too far thinking that I was taking anything too far, its if I don’t feel well I say what it is that I am made to feel you don’t have to be defensive and attack me. I think when its about wellness, if you don’t appear to be struggling, hurt, I don’t think it’s a good idea to share your struggle, lifes already painful that was the point to be positive. Clearly my feelings get hurt and people lash out on me, I would never allow for anyone to look bad, and I understand when people get upset see themselves as better, and how that builds a team, and how you lose in life not supported, and I have been through enough, its not for me to be helping anyone, if I keep getting sick, so this is me backing down. Im sorry if I disappointed anyone, #stopsuicide. Be good.

I think everything can be okay and people can not be okay with you.

I think you can be okay and others will not be okay with you.

I think you can do your best and still get sick.

I think getting help is not an admission of having done anything wrong.

I think being told there is something wrong with you is hurtful.

I dont see being treated hospitalized as an admission to being in any poor condition.

I think everyone had their chance to vent in life, whatever insults were faced, its not my fault.

I dont think its my fault if Im insulted and I get physical illness or any mental health issue.

I have never been sick and everyone okay with me, which is now, which is weird.

I have never been well and everyone okay with me, which is what feels too late when you get pain.

I think talking about any moment when you were not smart, is how you look stupid, get sick.

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog. Thank you for reading! Email: [email protected]

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