Category: activism

  • Thoughtful Examination of Patterns and Available Solutions, Dear Judge ….

    Thoughtful Examination of Patterns and Available Solutions, Dear Judge ….

    My treatment center heeded my carefully made request on a date chosen by mom when rent is due 4/9, however was not able to coordinate on my own also being allowed to leave sober living upon being too tired to meet all the requirements & for focus on job to be the issue March &…

  • When I Give Up ….

    When I Give Up ….

    I have no explanation or justification for anyone’s displeasure with me. I can accept that all they heard was “don’t contact Todd” without concern for my best interests good will or positive effort to improve get help and offer my insights and updates as to my treatment along the way. No one ever asked for…

  • No One Expects to Be Hurt …

    No One Expects to Be Hurt …

    I don’t think that most people intend to hurt you when they do, mostly people are normal interactions with others, that’s the nice refreshing aspect of life. So that’s the character “good character” that’s worth maintaining in life, your social graces, conversational skills, image, how you appear. It’s not that others can tell whether you…

  • Who You Are is Not a Joke …

    Who You Are is Not a Joke …

    Who you are is not a joke. And as a politician just tweeted “No one is above the law.” Not even me. What is a threat? A threat is a statement that is made that is intended to intimidate you or take away something from you, it’s what you have that is of value, and…

  • No One Wants to Be a Reject …

    No One Wants to Be a Reject …

    I think the hardest thing about having mental health issues is being told that you are a reject or that you will continue to live a difficult life and that things will be this way for the rest of your life, its sometimes without hope that you are left in states of being that you…

  • What’s the Difference Between a Blogger & a Mental Health Professional …

    What’s the Difference Between a Blogger & a Mental Health Professional …

    I have been blogging for 5 years now, and have been writing my whole life, and went to law school. Later in life a diagnosis affected my mental health, self-esteem, outlook, ability, future potential, and made me feel limited and disabled and unmotivated in life. You won’t get through life, not working towards your goals…

  • Things are Getting Better …

    Things are Getting Better …

    I haven’t been feeling well since the end of January, it felt like my life came crashing down on me, besides what occurred during my first paid job in law, things are starting to get better for everyone, and because we are handling a lighter load at this point, after a rough year, I’m feeling…

  • Nervous Over Competitions …

    Nervous Over Competitions …

    Maybe this wasn’t the best year in terms of the rates of crime, but nonetheless I showed up anyways, and that takes a lot of courage in spite of violence in and around the community. I think what makes things better, is when you get better, and rise to the occasion, and provide sound feedback…

  • Control Issues and Prevention …

    Control Issues and Prevention …

    If all the fighting private is to make any sense, it would be for the purpose of learning the lesson in terms of what is controlling and why and not to wait until the impetus to control that power is lost. Usually people who have good intentions act without limits, that’s because they believe that…

  • Life is Not a Game …

    Life is Not a Game …

    Life is not a game, not success, not feelings, not people, not identities, not Instagram, not photos, wellness is a condition to respect, it reflects things going well. So what made things go well for me. As I was requesting for placement, overcoming schizophrenia, I shared what I am working on as a job I…