Control Issues and Prevention …


If all the fighting private is to make any sense, it would be for the purpose of learning the lesson in terms of what is controlling and why and not to wait until the impetus to control that power is lost. Usually people who have good intentions act without limits, that’s because they believe that what they are doing is right, however like most people when things become difficult or in the event that there is Gun Violence, back off, that’s people’s peace, that’s the difference between those who can help, those who are being watched to see if they can help, those who have cared, and what is being done. In the immediate, since everything else is going well and people have acquired a sense of trust that things will go well, means that there is faith in things going well, that is restored and preserved in those who are not viewed as things to be their fault or by their sense of control or judgments, and that’s what who harms you wants to hear, that although they may have intentionally viewed you to be wrong, or at some limit of instability that cannot be helped, that’s their limit, and that’s not always a right to be defended in a prosecutorial sense, to bring charges toward a woman, who has improved and who is not related to any crime, not by job or location, I have every right to notify who is around of where I am, that doesn’t mean that there is a higher likelihood of an incident occurring, its because of what was seen on the freeway, he was messaged. It is because my job is located on the same street as a celebrity on TV that I made a public notice, that’s being considerate of people who are there, when you are new there. Therefore there is no connection between gun violence and my location, unless you seek to prove that my condition or placement in life should be related to an incident of gun violence that is seeking to allow for a weaker physical health or mental health, to produce more incidences in common to a diagnosis or condition that you view as similar to the condition of those who commit crimes, that’s a forced comprehension of life, to wrongfully use me to connect and use my brain to be mixed and associated to people who are mentally ill or “homeless” whatever the homicide that you believe that me as a private school student doesn’t think adequately represents, that’s accusing me of carrying on a life that is dangerous or puts women in common at risk of harm, and that’s not true, so many women have been empowered, and no case or where I live should be related at all to the chances for a homicide occurring, nor should an elevation of interests or series of mental health issues, be certain or be used to determine a timeline of when occurring to determine when and at what point have you been mentally ill to blame me for an incident occurring to say that I was mentally ill or that my mental illness is common or is related to a shooting, that’s treating me as though my illness or sickness is occurring in common to gun violence, and that’s misreading my ability or conditions or ability to manage my own condition, this is to see whether I have guilt and blame others in the event that Im not well that is being done and situated or compared to another incident of set up to say that I demonstrated a character similar to another woman who was set up and put in jail to misinterpret my peace and my rest time and ability to be loving, that’s wrongfully pushing for prosecution to prove gun violence occurs because of my health, the type of health that you think causes mental illness is when I share in short, if it sounds like code, if I don’t sound strong, if you think is “mental illness” or convincing others or a system of thinking that is mentally ill that you are excusing the mental illness of a criminal and wrongfully accusing me of causing mental illness to a criminal, that is using my work to improve the look or demeanor of someone who is not accomplished and is not a public figure, allowing that person to be defended while furthering controversy to cause me mental disturbance and torture, that is not authorized by the CIA or any group that seeks to compare themselves to specialists in the field of managing the content and data of a person who has been working hard for ten years, and does not deserve to be treated this way, not by any picture or explanation, the retaliation would therefore be to connect everything to another person instead of me which demonstrates guilt when you blame someone else for your condition therefore a retaliation on a person who you are blaming for your condition, is not a joke or a situation to take lightly given that when all incidences are being used to blame you, that’s to equate you or your religion or comprehension of reality as based on a few characters that you deem necessary to equate the level of things going wrong on the basis of one person health, because you think that as a woman, that I am strong enough to handle that type of insult or guilt or situation, therefore I was not bringing on a worse circumstance for a DA or any woman, I am not someone who complains, who has bad luck, who gets bullied, or who isn’t able to graduate and make it in life, and my disability is not a joke, to be taken off medication to see if I fall in love, and then to make fun of me for falling in love off day medication, or for me to get hurt and be bullied when I have a disability that you think means that I have done something wrong or deserved to be tortured. This is how I cant help others, when you are reading to assemble for prosecution then there is nothing to comply with or to provide for when you are looking for something negative to connect a pattern of behavior that you seek to marginalize my experiences by trying to overpromote my beauty deficit to allow for victimization or suicide of me, is misreading and a tampering of a book that was well written with Amazon, that was later changed and left on my website to argue “pushed into suicide” so I was pushed into suicide because they thought that someone else was made to feel suicidal by me. No is made to feel suicidal by me, I am not someone who is hard to comprehend or making anyones life difficult, I think its easy for people to not care, I think torture is a grose misuse of my temperament, to aggravate me and seek to control me as though one should be credited for upsetting me or causing me to write is a forced condition that is deadly to me, and not worth the energy to explain for my own peace, when no one cares what happens to you, so this is a result of you treating me as offender and causing me death, if I wasn’t a good person I wouldn’t have a life and get into law school or meet nice people, therefore if my life is ruined and I get mental illness that doesn’t mean that I am wrong, if I leave law school and visit scotus that doesn’t mean that I am wrong and its no ones business at what point you don’t rely on anyone and feel like people are looking at you for a response, that you get help and figure out how to respond for yourself, I think people are always comforted by the disease of others, recognize their own wellness, and its sad for me to be used as a test for change or temper to treat misdiagnose or misinterpret my issues or create for issues current. That’s not my responsibility to justify mistreatment of me as though I was guilty, to say that if I was mistreated later that Im guilty. It therefore doesn’t matter how well known I am or on what level, when you are important you are responsible for maintaining the public health of everyone, otherwise its hard to be known if you cannot manage your health or the comprehension of others in terms of what prevention is. Prevention is not to allow for a fight over any issue small, or misrepresent law students, as representatives of the power of schooling all together, so if it’s the institution of education that you are reprimanding me on alternative basis, then that hurts me, and also hurts the institutions of education.

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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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