Category: dysmorphia

  • Feeling Misunderstood …

    Feeling Misunderstood …

    Something psychiatry can’t help you with is how you look or what people think of you, it’s the reverse feeling of empowerment to be situated worse off in life or convinced that you have a debilitating disease that cannot be overcome. It doesn’t make sense to me how I can write and do well through…

  • Handle Things in Stride …

    Handle Things in Stride …

    You can’t really toot your horn in this business unless people allow you to, a career in writing teaches you to aim for delayed gratification rather than seek immediate results. As a writer you are feeding off your own energy in life, that’s what gives life to new ideas, and your inner genius, which you…

  • Recent Discussions Private …

    Recent Discussions Private …

    For the most part I have improved, it’s better to be a man of your word than to be made out to be something that you’re not and that probably occurred because I wrote a book, I was doing well at the time I wrote my book, despite fires and jobs and any controversy with…

  • Recently Sick with the Stomach Flu …

    Recently Sick with the Stomach Flu …

    A little under the weather not to mention tricky discussions about mental health cures to better coping skills you get better at staying well the more you learn about how to respond to symptoms in a way that’s nothing to do with anyone I’m assuming a defensive stance to mental health is a situation about…