Tag: alcoholism

  • Few Days Rest …

    Few Days Rest …

    After a few days rest coming to terms with recent personal dilemmas concerning voices and integrating socialization to my life maybe it just means nows not a good time. If you could be doing something more important with your time is what to ask yourself if ever not sure if you are where you’re supposed…

  • Being Absent Problems …

    Being Absent Problems …

    There’s a certain look of being content that is expected once you are known, people don’t prefer for you to be serious looking or blank, if you are not someone who bears liveliness and animation, they wonder for what reasons are you absent expression, in what ways are you devoid or being animated and excited…

  • Some See Life, Some See Death …

    Some See Life, Some See Death …

    One of the scariest facts about life is death, and while you may not encounter the feeling or have been exposed first hand to the experience of dying, Im sure it is something that you have feared before, and especially now with the news of its happening, its not reassuring to hear that there are…

  • Defeated by Your Thoughts …

    Defeated by Your Thoughts …

    There’s always a way of looking at things, don’t be defeated by your thoughts. When going through a hard time its easy to be discouraged, they also remind us in AA not to be discouraged, the times may be tough, but you can get through this. According to oprahdaily.com, “The key, though, is how we handle…

  • Dating as a Woman, Whats Trouble? …

    Dating as a Woman, Whats Trouble? …

    Dating as a woman, who has a history of getting in trouble, that’s a difficult concept to overcome, and its not a talk you always have with someone who grows to love you or trust you with their life and body, that’s sex, I think that there will come a point in time when you…

  • Raised to Never Play Victim …

    Raised to Never Play Victim …

    Depending upon how you were raised, without drawing into question the adequacy of my upbringing, which was privileged and fortunate. I was raised to never play victim. Meaning not to cast blames when things did not go right in my life, and not to blame other for any hardships I endured. I never once blamed…