Tag: alonetime

  • Still Room for Growth …

    Still Room for Growth …

    Reference: https://www.bloggingfusion.com/mymollydoll/43452/ Learning is a difficult experience for most, and while we may be good at some things, that doesn’t mean that we will be good at all things. There are no exceptions to becoming smart, it requires all of you, your best effort. I just read a comment by thriveglobal.com, who mentions this issue which…

  • Went for a Walk/Run Today …

    If you weren’t around for all the action, good, lifes not supposed to be an action packed game of catch up in life, we all earn our stars and stripes in good time, the timing is not as important. Whats more important is that you are eventually given a quiet period in life to think…

  • Based on Your Needs and Cares …

    Based on Your Needs and Cares …

    Based on what you have going for you in life, certain things happen for you in life, and not always in the order that you would expect, hopefully there will not have been too much to go wrong for you in life, that anything new becomes difficult, and that’s living with disability. Its not a…

  • 8 Years Alone (2004-2017) …

    8 Years Alone (2004-2017) …

    I cant say its been easy, and it seems when things are going wrong, everyone is beside themselves and that’s not unique to a year, to a company, or to an age group it will always be that way when people are thinking, that’s not always your fault what causes others to think faster, or…

  • Letter to the DA’s Website …

    Letter to the DA’s Website …

    Ive never seen myself on a losing team in life, I would not know what that looks like, to be bullied or to get voices and not know why, if it was something that worried me once and overcame it then good job me, if its something I cannot overcome and its nothing anyone else…