Tag: relationships

  • We All Have a Dark Side …

    We All Have a Dark Side …

    Ever wonder about that side of you that gets upset, or winds up in pain, feels a splash of jealously every now & then, or defiant to criticism, yeah that side of you that’s tough, that doesn’t put up with moody people, that rolls their eyes in the face of embarrassment, that keeps their chin…

  • It’s Worth the Wait …

    It’s Worth the Wait …

    Relationships can be challenging. You can be everything to someone or you could be nothing. Who are you to you? Reinforce the things you like about yourself, remind yourself of what you’re grateful for. It’s worth the wait, don’t rush into anything you’re not ready for. Relationships can be a lot of work, just make…

  • Personal Statement (new sub-heading)

    worldpeace – I did my best I don’t photo only later in life when it mattered. 🐽 why I’m alone. Pattern: I like them they like them more he doesn’t need me connected. So that’s why I’m always alone. Normal Bc if you grow up with nice things they think you don’t recognize how special…

  • What’s Meaningful …

    What’s Meaningful …

    In order to help others you must first learn how to help yourself and get through your own problems in life, and I think I have managed just that. Everything else in life is more about how you make people feel and how many people get along with you, in order for things to go…

  • Just watched … “The Desperate Hour” … (re-blogged)

    Just watched … “The Desperate Hour” … (re-blogged)

    Originally Published 07/28/22. I try to be a movie buff, I thought with #directTV I was all caught up, then I got Apple TV and realized that there are so many movies I have not seen and started clicking “save to my stuff” on Hulu. A very special person just re-entered my life and it’s…

  • Know Your Worth …

    Know Your Worth …

    Today is a solemn day in entertainment news, following the death of Olivia Newton-John, after losing her battle with Breast Cancer. For those of us who were moved by her performances past, and grew up in the years that the film “Grease” inspired us all to go after our dreams and believe in the possibility…

  • It’s Been Awhile …

    It’s Been Awhile …

    If it’s been awhile since you last smiled or laughed then you would be on board with my tone in life, which is not humanly possible to get through that much seriousness in life, and not lighten up as you get through the hard parts, and that’s apart of being human. We can’t all be…

  • Writing is a Gift …

    Writing is a Gift …

    If you have ever taken the time to explore a skill that you want to improve upon, and finally get comfortable doing something that you enjoy doing, you eventually learn a lot about yourself, and also get a first hand window into what others may go through in trying to gather their thoughts and express…

  • Why the Obsession? …

    It’s true that we can become so obsessed with our own thoughts that we will speak to scenarios created in our minds, ingrained in our memories, and wind up where, exactly to the feelings we describe, where is the growth in that? Memory needs no exact science to decipher exactly where a feeling came from…

  • When Something is About You …

    When Something is About You …

    Based on what is going on, and based on what you have to say, it can either help or build a resentment toward you, whether you feel the same way, different, fine, or not well, compared to who is on the other end of that feeling interpreting you, on the same side, or on a…