Tag: reputation

  • Being Absent Problems …

    Being Absent Problems …

    There’s a certain look of being content that is expected once you are known, people don’t prefer for you to be serious looking or blank, if you are not someone who bears liveliness and animation, they wonder for what reasons are you absent expression, in what ways are you devoid or being animated and excited…

  • Looking Forward to an Updated Website …

    Looking Forward to an Updated Website …

    On the tech side of things web design wise, my website is not up to standard, I have paid before in the past to build a website, its about whats going on in my life, whether I have the opportunity to blog, and while reflecting on whats at odds toward me given online bullying short…

  • Women’s Campaign …

    Women’s Campaign …

    After submitting $5 to the Women’s March, I didn’t attend the in area Music & Speakers event held in the privacy of someone’s home. I did however make it in time to attend the local Beverly Hills version of the Women’s March, held in addition to the world record holding attendance in Downtown Los Angeles…

  • Nervous Over Competitions …

    Nervous Over Competitions …

    Maybe this wasn’t the best year in terms of the rates of crime, but nonetheless I showed up anyways, and that takes a lot of courage in spite of violence in and around the community. I think what makes things better, is when you get better, and rise to the occasion, and provide sound feedback…

  • Get Back Up …

    Get Back Up …

    Going through any difficulty is a struggle, Im sure we have all been there to greater extents or not. Going through a difficulty, is harder without directions, than it is to write down what you are going through and figure out as you go, how to feel better about yourself moving forward, without getting winded…

  • Article: What Other People Think .

    Article: What Other People Think .

    What other people think, this is a subject that crosses our mind, particularly when we are made to look at ourselves, or to observe and review our own lives, before putting ourselves on public display, whether its looking in the mirror to check our outfit and our faces, or assembling a project to put on…

  • Personal Statement (new sub-heading)

    worldpeace – I did my best I don’t photo only later in life when it mattered. 🐽 why I’m alone. Pattern: I like them they like them more he doesn’t need me connected. So that’s why I’m always alone. Normal Bc if you grow up with nice things they think you don’t recognize how special…

  • The Type of Person I Am …

    The Type of Person I Am …

    Visiting OCDA Office, this is day 2, of visiting, I think I have stopped by twice before, so this may be my 4th or 5th time visiting the office, just sitting outside, Ive been walked into the building once to talk to a police officer at the front desk.  Getting your life back post punishment is difficult,…

  • Goal Setting & Fixing Your Life …

    Goal Setting & Fixing Your Life …

    By the time you’ve made it through your darkest hour and light is beginning to shine back into your life don’t get ahead of yourself by putting too much pressure on yourself or others, the expectation of you is high however your expectations of others should not enter your mind, who you need to focus…

  • The Pressure …

    The Pressure …

    Being yourself means that you are happy with who you are no matter what things look like to others looking at you, or trying to predict what it is that you are doing with yourself, your life, and your career as a blogger on the internet. I think since the day I started, I read…