Get Back Up …


Going through any difficulty is a struggle, Im sure we have all been there to greater extents or not. Going through a difficulty, is harder without directions, than it is to write down what you are going through and figure out as you go, how to feel better about yourself moving forward, without getting winded by all the unnecessary hardships that unhappiness, or dissatisfaction brings to people in their lives, especially if you are the one to not be happy with where you are now and what you are going through. This is where the spectrum comes into play, depending on what you have in life, will be expected to weather conditions better than others, and expected to come out of downs or bad conditions and to not stay stuck in a dilemma, or a struggle, it’s expected based on what you have that you should hold yourself up to high standards, therefore you are not expected to fall below standards in life, hurt yourself, or get hurt in life, making decisions for yourself, to live a harder life than expected.

To get back up, here are some tips, that I just learned, when shocked and dismantled in life, and my world turned upside down, this is how I overcame this dilemma in life, and not go six feet under.

  • Get help, talk to your psychiatrist, therapist or 911.
  • It’s when you are down, that what you have to say becomes more important.
  • Focus on what you are doing, what you sound like, all of this matters.
  • If you can prove yourself, do so in small doses, social proof helps.
  • Don’t isolate if you are faced with negative judgment or bullying.
  • Try to confront the issues bit by bit, until you no longer represent that.
  • Put down in writing, what is stopping you from feeling good.
  • Figure out what is difficult to comprehend, and put it in writing.
  • Journal and keep track of your progress, and don’t give up.
  • No matter what the conditions look like, headache, disability, stay center.
  • To get to any up feeling again, you need room for making improvement.
  • When you get room to make improvement, this is when action matters.
  • What you do in the time you are feeling better, will keep you feeling better.
  • Going against faith, or things you would normally do, can rattle your stability.
  • It’s hard to socially explain menta health issues, it’s easier to just be yourself.
  • Know that others have quirks, self-care issues, and addictions too, no different.
  • Make sure that your reactions and habits mirror you as a person, clearly.
  • Make sure that what you have to say, accommodates, not threaten normalcy.
  • Make sure that what you are going through, you recognize can be better.
  • Remind yourself that these feelings are temporary, and with meds, better.

I’m the kind of person when Im doing well and maxed out, need reassurance, it’s like you push yourself so hard that you have nothing left, and sometimes that’s how some of us wind up, in a downswing, you can’t stay feeling up forever, it’s a feeling that you constantly work toward to maintain. You can’t just pop a pill and feel better, like I can’t just write a post and get to Ahrefs 3,000, it means I have written enough posts that provide clarity on a wide range of subjects, that I can be relied upon to provide an insight no matter what is going on, and that helps any other while assembling their own thoughts on things, this is half the battle with mental health issues, actually being able to describe how you are feeling and trying to understand why you are feeling that way and what the causes are.

I’m also the kind of person that being fragile, makes people give up on you, or think that you are stronger than you are, it’s like if they don’t see you broken, or disheveled, they don’t comprehend that you are like everyone else, broken and disheveled going through a hard time, it takes a lot of work to put yourself together, so whatever meds they give you, have faith, and try not to beat yourself up over what end of the spectrum you end up at, it’s not your fault you have mental health issues, and it just becomes something that you get more familiar with, and the more familiar you are with mental health issues, the more you can moderate and figure out what to do in the event you have a feeling or experience so difficult to accept and comprehend, that you feel shocked and dismantled, we are all subject to exposures in life, it’s called your privacy, and as a blogger I have manage to surf the cusp on this subject totally open mentally with others and by photos, and still be protected financially and physically from the elements of being in the public eye, and studied as a writer, you get stronger, but you are still just as vulnerable to being hurt, or aggravated, sometimes based on the closeness of subjects. We don’t know what everyone knows, we just know that being up close to subjects, when someone says something that has absolute disregard and respect for the creation of insights you wonder, why is this person not impressed, why is this person not glad, why is this person unhappy. You wonder about all the people complaining, when you are not one of them, it seems like your content nature and sense of belonging in the world, can’t be transferred back to upset and aggravated and that’s maybe something as a society we can work on, how to transfer good feelings, rather than worry about the transfer of bad feelings, futures, thinking, and analysis, at what point do you say stop, I am not willing to go down that road again with you, or on a subject, at what point do you stop yourself and say you know what I have been through life in extremes and I know what that feels like, and I don’t want to go back to that feeling and be brought down again in life, and this is when you stay up for the first time.

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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