Response Timing and Order of Priorities …

As someone who is trending, and who people work off of, in view of, in light of what has been said well, to create for themselves, a work product, that either identifies better, or meets a standard higher than what I’m able to provide, would mean to not write or dictate how to feel and think about things, when there is a specific incident related to “Jews” and if I’m “Jewish,” just like if there was an incident in any other way about things, first would be to recognize what are my identifying factors, regardless of how things look, sometimes things look worse on the outside, than they are in the middle of things.

For these series of incidences, I was already out alone before crime occurred, therefore I was not out alone in response to crime, to face a danger already existing, there was no danger existing at the time I went out alone or started going out alone. Therefore to stop going out, would be to allow for the danger present to scare me, or others from continuing on in life, absent minded whats occurring in other towns or cities based on what the problems are in those respective locations. As a blogger you always think what if everyone knows me, and if everyone knows me, what will everyone think of me, that goes for anything that you do or say, if everyone knows me, and everyone thinks this way of me, and if people think this way of me, this would and should make me feel this way, and you will make the majority of your decisions in life, based on how you feel, and as a blogger, you also have to account for how you feel based on what others think of you, and that’s a apart of being known. There are also additional elements that I have to be aware of, in terms of how I respond they are as follows:

  • Who I am, terminology applied to me, and what everyone knows.
  • What occurs for me personally, and what is told to everyone about me.
  • What everyone knows and is exposed to, what is mainstream, current philosophy.
  • What is there to be proud of and happy about, am I demonstrating that.
  • What are current themes that are working for others, make sure not to credit myself.
  • When things are trending in “movements” “social” “media” “celebrity” not reflect them.
  • When I get a AP membership, that means what I’m saying, doesn’t break the flow of content.
  • When I am writing and don’t make sense, to correct the problem would be to not drink.
  • If I don’t feel good and think that it’s people who don’t like me, figure out how to like myself.
  • If people don’t like me, what can I do with my life, in order to not have that problem.
  • If there is something popular in the news and its not specifically directed at me, how hurt should I be, and in what way should I communicate that Im hurt or explain the reasons for that hurt.

Online, following “gun violence” for example, it has been said, effective intervention, means to enable for a prior routine, your daily living routine to resume, and the need for support on an international and national level and ongoing trainings for providers. [1] Where do I fit among these priorities as a blogger, well Im trending or not on the basis of my health, my daily routine reflects my mental health and ability to work or not work, and my content should reflect everyones need to deter crime not inspire crime, or create a system of credits to be broken or underminded, or attacked on the basis of representation, however made or asserted, would not be a good way to micro-manage any campaign underground or popular online, I think when it comes to terms, the best way to allow for things to exist minus you would not be to say or identify things as coming from you, exert a force or title to an object person or content, as coming from you, or about you, would be to interfere with a persons ability to speak freely, and to be themselves, minus a knowing of an influence by you, on any level on any terms, of influencer systems. I think based on my analytics, it does not make sense that there would be anything coming from me marketed to others, to exist in others as they are, and to credit a person such as myself for anything existing in another, or a quality about their work or focus, that should be credited to my own work. I think that’s going too far, based on whats available online, I think that I am just now working towards publishing a book, and it’s not to be famous and to be known as a figure or name, it is to publish my creative work and my writing in a timeline of works produced, and be credited for an idea that I am either capable of creating news and unique, or something that is late or not good enough sounding based on what else there is written on my choice of topics, that’s the beauty of writing, you don’t know how your writing and your work will hold up against, what there is known or ongoing in life, work. And that’s the challenge of being a writer, is for your work to hold up. This can be related to what we are talking about a campaign working or not working, and to not set limits and terms for how something should work, based on credits, or duplications, or things known to all by term or writing, that is expected to be understood by all, such as a respect given or taken based on story or celebrity status, to determine the value of me coming forward and sharing who I am and talking with the courts, is not for story, its based on what is happening in my life, and what I think and how I want to help, and sharing that much.

Most problems, such as now, you start with nothing. So there are no directions for how to respond to any incident with terms in common, and based on who we know online, we do not know whether people in real life know who we are online and are acting in real life based on who is known online, we don’t know how effective or how influential a person who is known online, is to a person who is not doing well in life, or turning to crime and drugs and guns. I do not know my statistics in terms of readership to gun owners, or criminals, and as far as I’m concerned the majority of my audience has homes and desktops and IP addresses, and not reading my website by phone, so they have computers. So if that helps to reassure others, that I’m on networks WordPress, Facebook, Twitter that tracks all my readership and anyone who is exposed to my work, reads my work, or is influenced by me. So there is no game of understanding of the term “mymollydoll” in terms of news and companies in general, go by what is accepted, which is why I think there is a constant pressure or challenge for non-acceptance which I think those affected by anti-semitism face, is that there is a treatment of people who don’t seem like they are liked and know that they are liked, to be treated like they are not liked, to see what they look like or sound like if they don’t feel like they are liked, and sometimes that’s a basis for determining whether anyone is not liked past or current to determine if they are a product of their own insecurities or a product of dislike and insecure because of what they don’t like about themselves, so that’s an issue when people want to know if you influence others, do you like yourself, do you not like others, are there things about you you don’t like, or other people don’t like, is there a history of dislike, to know whether you carry an insecurity or inherent defect personality wise, to expose others to rejection or insecurity.

Other responses to “gun violence” are for “common sense gun reform and mental health support.” [2] When it comes to coding and vocabulary “reform” doesn’t mean “reform Judaism” and that’s not a confirmed truth about me or my last name in the negative or intended to mean. If there is any relation to me and gun violence, it’s that I was in Law School and tweeted briefly and got a Witken Award and had a job in DC and was sent to Rehab when I was sober and not on drugs or doing any drugs, simply because I requested for more than 2 adderrall to work and go to school part-time. So the history problem, is that I had two jobs and briefly was treated for depression, at the time of Aurora, which sounds like its being confused with me being hospitalized 2011, so the year before I got an A and had anxiety before finals, whatever the status of my relationship or conversations doesn’t matter, because there seems to be an interest in establishing a sickness coming from me, or trying to say that my writing bears characteristics visible in words on Twitter that another person can see or others see that affects their thinking or vision, or create some secret knowledge of everyone knowing me then or now, to compare causes for gun violence. I think its safe to say a secret knowing of me is dangerous, and a secret knowing of me by good or bad people is dangerous, and the only way to be known and accepted would be to be accepted as a professional and have a professional name online and written works published. I think that would establish my reach in terms of who I am what I’m known for and what’s coming from me, otherwise it subjects me to a system of who does know you with practice for principle of people knowing you and talking about you, and rumors and control of the content of the briefs or short stories or things that are said about you, which whether I’m popular or not cannot control, or the systems that people keep track of in their minds, to dislike, distrust, or not like people, or think sick of them, that much I cant keep track of what other people are keeping track of in their minds, so that’s my dilemma as known, wanting for everyone to do well, and not needing to be known by everyone to make anything make sense or to make any prevention plan happen, I think happens purely by my numbers not by my identity, face, or previous blogs, I think its based on what I can provide today. As you can see my imdb changes based on photos and content provided, either there is “promise” meaning there is permission or a public acknowledgement of what has been provided thus far, and either that’s a space that I will excel in or shine in, I think because of recent news, performing more did not occur that is why my imdb turned to red. So that’s just a barometer of how I am fitting in amongst all the content that is being created for people to go by, and to make sure that what I have to provide isn’t imitating, or going off of other things that people are creating, and making sure to produce my own work, not influenced or studying the work that’s being produced by others, be affected, or misunderstood as misrepresenting.

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About Me

Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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