Post Breakup Blues ….

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You know it’s not the end of the world if you can’t be with the same person your whole life. I know we fall in love and love the feeling of being in love but why can’t we also accept when things end between us. It’s the what’s in between that matters less than focusing your time and energy on moving forward in a positive way. We can’t control all the elements to a breakup. It may be hard to accept your part when it comes to rejection in life, either you said it or you did something that added to an end result you view as disfavorable toward you. Learn to be on your own team in life when you’re on your own team in life there are no teams after a breakup or sides taken and that’s the beauty of acceptance and not allowing yourself to hurt or the other and that’s by staying well and by being successful at the rest of what you have to do in life.

The Five Stages of a Breakup are:

“Even if you were the one who initiated the split, there are five stages of grief that you will go through. They are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, according to Mental-Health-Matters. These are the natural ways for your heart to heal.” (1)

(1) Denial: It can be the feeling of this isn’t happening to me or it’s not possible, a disbelief in what you are hearing. It could be not accepting the boundaries or your own limitations in life. It could be how you handle rejection, there’s always time for a first experience with it, we can’t all be the chosen ones. Figure out what your bringing to the table and go from there rather than speculate all the reasons why, you can’t read other people’s minds, focus on what you’ve got and how you can contribute.

(2) Anger: A feeling of why? Why is this happening to me, what have I done wrong or what have I done to deserve this in life. When you feel like the breakup is happening to you it’s as though you question who’s being protected by this break if I’m the one hurting, means your not accepting how another person feels and that can be problematic if you constantly complain in life thinking things are happening to you intended to hurt you, mostly people just want to be happy and you are not always in control of how other people feel nor can you determine what other people need in life.

(3) Bargaining: This what if stage of maybe I can fix this maybe this isn’t permanent maybe I can figure out why this is happening. Dont be too hard on yourself eventually you will have to just give up and go your separate ways in life you can’t go on wanting someone who doesn’t want you.

(4) Depression: That heavy feeling as though you’re sinking or your hearts breaking is truly happening to you if you believe so the goal is to not continue to break yourself apart while you are mourning the loss of this person in your life. The only person who can figure out how long and to what extent you plan to hurt over this loss in your life is up to you. This is when it’s important to see the positive and reflect on the good times and not allow the periods of suffering or miscommunication get you down in life you can only learn from these mistakes in life and by the next relationship hopefully improve so you don’t suffer losses.

(5) Acceptance: This requires faith the same faith that you put into your relationship is the same system of feelings that you’ll need to pull yourself out of this hardship in life, the difficulty won’t last being apart, and eventually you will have to accept either being alone or that moment of solitude and disconnect from the previous reality of being connected to a person you felt you lived in adjustment to or grew to feel you needed this person to function, couldn’t be without, well if the time comes to be alone you will have to accept you’re alone and that’s okay. Believe in yourself you still have you.



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Hello, I’m Leslie a Top 100 Personal Development Blogger who has been nominated for 3 Shorty Awards, Best Integrated Campaign, Best Special Project and Best Blog + Micro-Blog.

Welcome to my Blog. I post personal updates, progress, ideas for improvement, quotes, arguments, an experienced self-improvement blogger who attended Law School with many life experiences to do my best and help provide support to others. First hand experience with mental health treatments and aware of how much work goes into staying well, I found success professionally and I hope you do too.

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